Health disparities are part of the list of emerging Public Health Issues. In our current society or in one’s society, it is obvious that some group of people living in different places or locations experience better health than others. According to Kruger (2018), health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. An individual’s place or environment is not only the only factor that explains health disparities but factors such as economic stability, education, healthcare and society, and community context are all examples social determinants of health that causes health disparities in society or community. Even though getting rid of Health disparity is hard if not impossible, understanding factors that contribute to it help Public Health Professionals reduce unnecessary injuries and violence.
The use of models in Public Health has been vital in understanding health-related issues that exist in society. Models, unlike theory, assume that not only specific multiple levels of influences exist in health but these levels are interactive and reinforcing. (Kruger, 2018). In terms of Public health issues such as health disparities, models help us understand factors such as how society and government plays a role in health and how does can sometimes cause disparities among people from individuals community or background. According to a research conducted in 2012, it is a prime importance in the field of conceptual models because of the multifaceted factors (ranging from social to biological) that may contribute to disparities, because of disciplinary differences in the factors that are emphasized, and because models often have major implications for the interventions or policies that are identified as likely to be most effective in eliminating disparities.