I will come to class prepared to deliver an enthusiastic lecture.
I will answer emails in a timely fashion. (Emails received M-R will be answered within 24 hours, emails received F-S may be answered Monday).
I will be in my office during office hours unless otherwise specified in class.
Graded assignments will be returned at the following class meeting.
What I expect from you:
You will come to class prepared (having read the assignment, tried the recommended homework and ready to listen).
You will spend the recommended time on the course each week (generally this is a minimum of 2 hours a week but may be more when the formal report is due or large quizzes are given). Procrastination will not work for this class.
You will check Blackboard announcements and unit folders 3 times per week and keep up to date on information, reading and assignments.
You will communicate efficiently, respectfully, and immediately any issues or troubles you have with homework, understanding or course policies.
You will attend all labs.
To Succeed in this class, Each week you should:
Read the assigned content on time, view the prerequisite videos, complete the prelab assignment, and take the prelab quiz before coming to class).
Come to class dressed according to safety rules (skin from neck to knees and to the elbow should be covered. Closed toe shoes are required to complete any laboratory assignment.)
Review your notes after leaving class and make sure you can read your writing and do not have any questions on the material.
Complete homework assignments on time in a legible manner.
If you have any questions post to HELP forum or email me.