
icons creating image of a keyAs a technical communicator, you have a responsibility, both legally and ethically, to produce documents and sites that comply with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. A website that is accessible presents information through multiple channels to allow all users, no matter what their abilities, to access the same information. As you create technical communications, keep in mind that the characteristics that help differently-abled users actually help all users; these characteristics highlight strong technical document presentation and design.

Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings help all users find content. They also help screen readers find information. Headings and subheadings should be brief, clear, and descriptive. It’s also important to use heading options in Word or whatever format you’re using, since screen readers may not recognize headings from regular text that you simply bold, underline, italicize, or enlarge.


Like headings and subheadings, lists also need to be created with the number or bullet format option in order for a screen reader to recognize and read them as lists.


Tables should be as simple as possible. Make sure to provide clear headings for the rows and columns so that a screen reader can accurately read the table.

Language Emphasis

There are specific things not to do in emphasizing information. Do not underline words to emphasize them, as screen readers may read the underlined words as links.  Also try not to use too many italicized words, since users with dyslexia often have difficulty with italics. Also know that screen readers will not acknowledge bold type indicated by <b> in html. You need to use the semantic markup <strong> tag to indicate emphasis. Using <strong> will have the same effect as bold for all readers, since screen readers can understand and translate <strong> to show emphasis.

Links and Instructions

Make sure when using hyperlinks to name the link, as opposed to calling it “click here.” Screen readers can produce a list of links, and having multiple items on the list with the same “click here” name is not useful. Also, with instructions, avoid statements such as “the button to your right,” or “comments are in purple.”

Images and Videos

Make sure that every image has alternative text (alt text) so that a screen reader can offer an accurate description of an image. Make the descriptions clear and concise. Videos also need captioning, and audio files need transcripts. Avoid flashing or pulsating animations, since flashes can cause seizures in persons with certain medical conditions.

Document Appearance

Black type on a white background is preferable. Make sure that there is enough contrast between the type and background so that content is easy to read.  Also, make sure that type size is large enough to read easily, no smaller than 11 pt. Type style should be a simple sans serif font, such as Calibri or Arial. Longer printed documents may also be in Times New Roman. Avoid fancy fonts, and avoid mixing multiple fonts. The main point here is to keep the document’s appearance simple and clean, whether that document is a web page or a printed manual.


Make sure that a document can be navigated using the keyboard, as some users may not be able to use a mouse or touchpad.

The video below exhibits how a screen reader works—and doesn’t work, if accessibility is not considered.

Useful Websites

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative offers many useful guidelines and principles related to accessibility.  There are also examples of how differently-abled users interact with online material, how to design documents for aging users, and more.

The University of Washington’s multiple pages on Accessible Technology offer many useful resources, including an accessibility tutorial and checklist, how to create accessible documents in Word and PowerPoint, accessibility guidelines, and more.

The University of British Columbia’s OER Accessibility Toolkit offers a comprehensive list of best practices for accessibility.