Words: Concreteness, Precision, Jargon, Tone

Words are important. As a technical writer, it’s your obligation to write so that your audience understands your information as precisely as possible. Word choice for technical writing is the opposite of word choice for creative writing. Creative writing is nuanced, open to interpretation, and adaptable in the way the writer uses language. On the other hand, technical writing is straightforward, ideally interpreted exactly in the way the writer intended, and precise in language use. This doesn’t mean that the document design process cannot be creative; the process in itself can involve original ideas and ways of approaching the writing task and explaining information. However, the outcome of technical writing is clear, accurate, detailed explanation so that a reader understands a concept or learns what they need to know. Language, then, needs to be concrete, precise, concise, and technically appropriate to the audience.


Concrete Language

Concrete language is based on your senses, things that you can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. Given similarities in human sensory experience, concrete language has a better chance of conveying information accurately, with less chance of multiple interpretations. If instructions explain that a sulfuric smell occurs during a certain phase of a process, a reader will understand more fully that what they’re experiencing is normal to the process, more than if you state that an acidic smell will occur.

Concrete language can also specify intangible concepts. When you use concrete language, you help your audience see specific realities or actual instances instead of abstract theories and ideas—you show your audience something instead of just telling them. For example, in addition to defining a concept such as conductivity as “the ability to transmit heat, sound or electricity,” you also explain in concrete terms using a sensory example: “An example of conductivity is heat transferring from hot pot of soup to a metal ladle sitting in the pot.”[1]

To help choose appropriate language in terms of concreteness, consider linguist S.I. Hayakawa’s ladder of abstraction. The highest rung of the ladder uses the most abstract language, while the lowest rung uses the most concrete, or grounded, language. As you follow a concept up the ladder of abstraction, more and more of the “essence” of the concrete object is left out, leaving more room for interpretation and thus misunderstanding.

For example, if I asked you to photograph a book, you could do that, but if I asked you to photograph “work,” using language that’s higher up the ladder of abstraction, you’d have a more difficult time understanding and would most likely end up with a photo of work that applies to your own context, which may or may not be what I needed. When shared referents are important, try to use language that is lower on the ladder of abstraction.

Here’s an example of Hayakawa’s ladder of abstraction. Try to place selected words from your document drafts on the ladder to see if you can substitute words that are more concrete.

Level of Abstraction Example
Concepts humanity
Large Groups people
Smaller Groups parents
Concrete, Specific Items my mom, Yvonne

Note that abstract language is not necessarily bad; according to Hayakawa, it actually serves as shorthand that keeps us from having a completely unmanageable language filled with millions of words, each referring to one specific thing.[2]  Abstract language also helps us test out a potential topic (like asking a favor), offer negative feedback indirectly (to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or hint), or avoid the specifics of a topic. But abstraction does require us to use context and often other words to generate shared meaning. In technical writing, you can’t rely on shared context; you need to use concrete language to avoid misinterpretation.

Precise Language

Precision works in tandem with concreteness, although the concepts are not exactly the same. Precise writing is accurate, and you are more apt to be accurate in a technical document when you use concrete language. Note that sometimes precision requires more instead of fewer words, and that’s okay, as long as your words convey the meaning you intend. Avoid using words that have several possible meanings; do not leave room for ambiguity or alternate interpretations of your ideas. Here are a few things to avoid in order to keep your language precise.

In the interest of precision, avoid or use with caution:

  • Metaphors. Metaphors compare something with something else; by their nature, they illustrate certain aspects of a scientific object while neglecting others. While you may need to use metaphors to explain technical information to a non-technical audience, do so carefully: introduce it as such and illustrate its connection with the specific concept you’re explaining. Try to use a simile (e.g., an X is like Y statement), as there is a lower risk that a simile will be taken literally.[3]
  • Intensifiers and absolutes such as “extremely” or “never.” These types of terms are not precise and may not be accurate.
  • Ambiguous personalized phrases such as “we believe,” or “in our opinion.” State your observations, conclusions, or recommendations in terms of facts and evidence and not personal beliefs.

Concise Language

Concise writing uses the fewest words possible to convey the most meaning while still maintaining clarity. Avoid unnecessary padding, awkward phrasing, overuse of “to be” forms (is, are, was, were, am, be, being), long preposition strings, vagueness, unnecessary repetition, and redundancy. Use active verbs whenever possible, and take the time to choose a single word rather than a long phrase or cliched expression. Think of your word count like a budget; be cost effective by making sure every word you choose does effective work for you. Cut a word, save a buck! As William Zinsser asserts, “the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components.”[4] Every word or phrase should have a distinct and useful purpose. If it doesn’t, cut it or revise.

For a comprehensive list of phrases that contain too many words, and concise substitutions, consult Kim Blank’s Wordiness, Wordiness, Wordiness List.

Technical Language / Jargon

Jargon is the common vocabulary used by specific professions or groups of people (e.g., computer jargon, medical jargon, legal jargon). Jargon develops as a type of short-hand to express ideas that are frequently discussed between members of a group, though it can also be developed deliberately using chosen terms. For example, the words RAM, bit, byte, CPU, HDD, and hexadecimal are jargon terms related to computing. Note that acronyms and initialisms—words formed by using the first letters of a group of words—constitute jargon as well (e.g., PET for positron emission tomography, or MRI for magnetic resonance imaging). Acronyms can simplify your language and make it more concise; just define acronyms upon first use.

Jargon is very acceptable in communications with members of the same group, although it can be a barrier to communication with those not familiar with the language of the field. Using or not using jargon depends on a careful analysis of your audience and purpose.

You can increase the usability and persuasiveness of your writing by wisely using the specialized jargon of a particular profession, if creating technical communications for a primary audience within that profession. Jargon can convey precise, technical meanings efficiently, as many technical terms have no exact equivalent in everyday speech. Jargon used accurately in documents intended for professional practitioners can also help you establish credibility.

As much as jargon can clarify information for a professional audience, though, it can cloud information for a mixed audience, or a specific primary or secondary audience who may not be immersed in the language of the profession. So, avoid using technical terms your readers may not understand. Simple language ensures that a wider variety users understands the technical document.

Note that jargon is not the same as slang, which refers to specialized words used in informal speech. You should avoid using slang in technical communications, whatever the context. While jargon is acceptable in documents for professional audiences who understand the technical language, slang is not acceptable, even in documents such as memos that usually use a conversational style.


Tone is the attitude that a document conveys towards the topic and/or the reader. The document’s tone is an extension of the author’s attitude. You have likely read something that sounded angry, optimistic, humorous, cynical, or enthusiastic. These words characterize the tone of a communication. Tone is created through word choice (diction), word order (syntax), sentence construction, and viewpoint.

Technical communication should avoid displaying an obvious emotion and instead
strive for a neutral, straightforward, professional tone.

Even though the goal for technical communication is a neutral tone, tone still emerges in technical documents as a result of the purpose, audience, and writer’s attitude toward the topic and/or reader. Consider a formal report that you may have read, a report intended for an audience of technical experts. It may have a serious, professional tone through its use of specialized terminology, sophisticated vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and third person voice. This style suits the document because it is directed at experts in the field, and seeks to convey complex information objectively and in depth, with an emphasis on reason, logic, and evidence.

Now, consider a set of instructions that you may have read. The tone may be slightly less formal but not colloquial. The language is direct and plain, and the sentences are shorter and more straightforward. Instructions often use the second person (“you”). This style suits instructions because it is directed at a less technically-expert audience, users who seek information clearly and quickly and who may need to take action on it.

Analyzing how your reader may feel after reading your document is an important part of revision. Did your tone come across as you hoped it would? Could it be misconstrued? This is where feedback can be helpful. It’s common professional practice to ask a colleague to review your document before you send it to its intended audience. Using the appropriate tone ensures that the message is communicated properly. Even the most positive message can be misunderstood if the tone is not correct.

Writing Constructively

Striking the appropriate tone involves understanding your purpose, context, and audience. It also involves an understanding that workplaces are often hierarchical, and that cooperation and teamwork are required. Therefore, it’s important to consider how you want your reader to feel, and what may make your reader feel that way. No matter what your tone, serious or informal, you should make sure that the word “positive” or “constructive” is also used to describe your tone. A negative or denigrative tone will not help you accomplish your goal. Even when you need to communicate information that’s unpleasant, communicating constructively is possible, and arguably even more important, in such a situation.

Adopt an adult-to-adult approach

Avoid talking down to your reader in a patronizing tone, or sounding unwilling to take responsibility. Aim to communicate respectfully, responsibly, confidently, and cooperatively, as one responsible adult to another.

Be courteous

Focus on the reader as much as possible. Use “you” unless it results in blaming (one effective use of passive verbs is to avoid assigning blame: “mistakes were made”). Use traditionally accepted forms of courtesy and politeness. Use gender-neutral phrasing and plural forms, unless you are referring to a specific person and you know their gender.

For example, rather than saying “You need to stay until the meeting ends, which will likely be around 7:00 p.m.,” say
“Would it be possible for you to stick around until this meeting ends, which will likely be around 7:00 p.m.? I’d really appreciate it.”

Focus on the positive

Emphasize what you can do rather than what you can’t. Try to avoid negative wording and phrasing (no, not, never, none, isn’t, can’t, don’t, etc.). Focus on what can be improved.

For example, rather than saying “I’m bringing in a new analyst to work with you on this because the rest of the group is swamped. You’ll have to take the extra time to fill her in,” say “You’ll have a new analyst to work with on this and, luckily, you will be able to train her on the way you’d like things to be done.”

Be genuine

Apologize if you have made a mistake. Take responsibility and promise to do better. Be authentic in your expression. Avoid sounding like marketing material (ad-speak). Make reasonable claims that can be backed with evidence.

The video below discusses some additional aspects in creating appropriate in writing: level of formality, reader orientation, directness, presuppositions, and culture. While the video is oriented toward business writing, the same concepts can be applied appropriately to different types of technical writing.

Language Matters

On October 13, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Plain Writing Act of 2010. This Act is designed to promote clear government communication that the public can understand and use. The Act calls for writing that is clear, concise, and well-organized. Check out Plain Language Guidelines and Laws at plainlanguage.gov.