M1 – Discussion 3: Defining Gender, Race, Class, and Culture: Can We Do It?

It might be helpful to open this course with a discussion of the terms gender, race, class, and culture.

It is important to recognize that even though definitions for these terms are shared, they are also experienced differently. Although the external definitions are similar, the sense and meaning of the definitions are constructed differently within each person, depending on their own experiences, both with themselves and with others.

Definitions have connotations (shared fixed definitions based on external attributes) and denotations (personal fluctuating definitions based on personal experiences and cultural preferences/biases). The following website has a discussion of the differences between denotation and connotation: https://pediaa.com/difference-between-connotation-and-denotation.

In this discussion, please share with the class a denotation for each term: gender, race, class, and culture (providing a respected citation and a reference in a reference list). Then, the degree to which you are comfortable, share positive experiences of each of the attributes. For example, give a denotation definition of race, and then share at least one positive connotation you have with your own race. Please do NOT respond to the posts of other students for this discourse.