M1 – Readings

The mini-lectures in this course are the only required reading, apart from auxiliary reading needed to complete discussions and assignments. These readings are available from the bookstore at cost—very cheap. You are encouraged to purchase them because it is easy to miss readings as you move through the course. Because the readings are limited in the course (under 150 pages of reading for the whole course), you are expected to read them carefully.

SUNY-HCCC OER Course. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldhistory/. (Lessons 1–6) Designation: “SUNNY-HCCC OER”

HIST 116Western Civilization. History 116, the first part of the introductory surveys of Western Civilization. This course covers the period from early civilized man to the early Middle Ages of Europe, with emphasis on Greece, Rome, Egypt, and other Mediterranean peoples. http://opencourselibrary.org/hist-116-western-civilization/. Designation: “Hist&116 OER”

Waugh, L. (1982). Marked and unmarked: A choice between unequals in semiotic structure. Semiotica, 38, 299–318.

HIS 1111, ONLINE, Fall 2017, CRN 80387. https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/history-textbooks/3/. Dr. Dee McKinney. (Lessons 2–4, 7–8) Designation:USGC OER