M3 – Discussion I: Augustine’s View of Human Nature


Maternal Caress by Mary Cassatt (1896)

In Book I of Confessions (Augustinus & Chadwick, 1992), Augustine discusses his childhood where he refers to himself as “so tiny a child, so great a sinner.”

Based on what you have learned from the recorded lectures on The Confessions, why did Augustine see himself that way?

Describe at least two of the examples that Augustine gives of his sinful behavior. Why does he see such behavior as sinful and against God’s will?

What is your opinion of his view of human nature? Is it outmoded or still relevant?

Please Note: Each discussion response must have a minimum of 125 words, be spell checked, be well written, and cite references in support of arguments. Please post a response, and remember to respond to two other people’s postings.