M6 -Discussion 2: Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and Democracy

In this discussion, you will grapple with definitions of different political structures. Remember, you are only touching the surface when you get definitions. You have already learned in this course (Module 1) that the denotation of a concept is different from its connotation. The two web sites below are immediately useful: Please find others that inform your discussion.

Pose a question for the class about these different political systems that you think is informed, at least in part, by the material in this course. Make it reflective so it requires some integration of thought.

The Principles of Communism

Footnotes The following footnotes are from the Chinese Edition of Marx/Engels Selected Works, Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1977, with editorial additions by marxists.org



The Principles of Communism

Footnotes The following footnotes are from the Chinese Edition of Marx/Engels Selected Works, Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1977, with editorial additions by marxists.org
