M7 – 5. Technology

Our human ancestors fashioned tools from natural resources; rocks to split nuts, plant stems and branches to fish ants out of their holes; earning themselves the name homo faber, tool making human.  As brain size increased and social learning passed on the use of simple technologies, humans began to develop the use of fire, flint tools and other basic implements to aid in survival.  As human civilization developed, the list of tools steadily grew: the wheel, writing, Archimedes screw, moldboard plow, printing press, optical lenses, steam engine, electricity, the assembly line, sanitation systems, penicillin, nuclear power, computer capability, radio/television broadcasting, the internet, immunotherapy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), to name but a few game changing discoveries that have come onto the scene. The list continues to grow with quickening pace.

Human innovation and creativity continues to find new discoveries and better solutions to an ever widening number of technological problems. The realm of science and the scientific method have given humans the means to harness the forces of nature to take us into every realm of human inquiry as well as to the depths and heights of our own planet and beyond into the solar system.

What this means for all humanity is a power once considered within the realm of the gods, to control ever more aspects of life and destiny, but with evermore consequences for harm and risk to destroy the planet that supports all life.