Sample Film Analysis: Children of Men

JCC English 100                                                                                             Mr. Dickinson

Essay 2: Film Analysis                                                                       Writing Assignment

Children of Men is an effective visual argument.  Using this movie and at least one of the essays from the Assignments/Unit 2 folder, write a three-page argument about how the main theme is made memorable to viewers.  You can use description, comparison/contrast, and definition to help support your points. Write to convince readers that your claims are valid.  Since other people would read see differently, argue the validity of your point of view. Indicate your purpose to readers (as usual, without using “you” or “I”).  Include an arguable thesis about the film.


You must use at least two sources for Essay 2.  Choose your sources from:

  • The movie itself
  • At least one of the essays linked in the Assignments/Unit 2 folder
  • While not required, other sources would be fine to include


Convince readers that your analysis is the most valid interpretation among competing viewpoints.  You are arguing that what you include in the essay is what should be written about the topic.  This is an objective essay, so avoid using “I.”


Your instructor and classmates are your audience.  They know the film.  Avoid retelling it.


Your essay needs a clear thesis.  Start with a rough working thesis and clarify it.  Place your thesis effectively in the introduction; restate the claim in the conclusion.  The thesis summarizes the points you will cover.  It is an arguable opinion.