Stereochemistry of Reactions: Addition of Water to a Chiral Alkene


After completing this section, you should be able to explain why the addition of H2O to a chiral alkene leads to unequal amounts of diastereomeric products.

Study Notes

In the previous section, the addition of water to the achiral alkene produced a racemic mixture of two enantiomeric alcohols. They are produced in equal amounts so the mixture is optically inactive. What would occur if we carried out a similar reaction on a chiral alkene? Consider (S)-3-methyl-1-pentene reacting with water (acid catalyzed). Proton addition produces a carbocation intermediate that is chiral (* denotes stereogenic centre). That intermediate does not have a plane of symmetry and therefore attack by water is not equal from the top and bottom. This ultimately produces R and S products in a non 50:50 ratio.

alkene hydration giving a non-racemic mixture of stereoisomers




Predict the products of the following reaction showing stereochemistry.


