Preparing for Public Speaking

Audience Analysis


Image result for audience

Audience Analysis (Openly licensed Material)

Stand Up Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  • Understand the value of acknowledging your audience.
  • Understand how to choose a worthwhile topic.
  • Explain how to adapt your speech to your audience’s needs.
  • Explain the value of speaking with credibility.
  • Understand how to gather and use demographic information.
  • Understand how to gather and use psychographic information.
  • Understand how to gather and use situational information.
  • Learn several tools for gathering audience information.
  • Create effective tools for gathering audience information.
  • Understand how you can use your audience analysis when you prepare a speech.
  • Recognize how your audience analysis can help you alter your speech while speaking.

Public Speaking Project

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  • List techniques for analyzing a specific target audience.
  • Explain audience analysis by direct observation.
  • Describe audience analysis by inference.
  • Identify the purpose of a basic questionnaire.
  • Recognize and apply data sampling.
  • Determine when to use a Likert-type test.
  • Define the five categories of audience analysis.
  • Summarize the purpose of the situational analysis.
  • Explain audience analysis by demography.
  • Recognize the difference between beliefs, attitudes and values.
  • Identify reasons for sampling a multicultural audience.

Communication in the Real World

Key Takeaways in Above Text Include:

  • Getting integrated: Public speaking training builds transferrable skills that are useful in your college classes, career, personal relationships, and civic life.
  • Demographic, psychographic, and situational audience analysis help tailor your speech content to your audience.
  • The general and specific purposes of your speech are based on the speaking occasion and include the objective you would like to accomplish by the end of your speech. Determining these early in the speech-making process will help focus your research and writing.
  • Brainstorm to identify topics that fit within your interests, and then narrow your topic based on audience analysis and the guidelines provided.
  • A thesis statement summarizes the central idea of your speech and will be explained or defended using supporting material. Referencing your thesis statement often will help ensure that your speech is coherent.

Three Types of Audience Analysis (Saylor)

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  1. Understand how to gather and use demographic information.
  2. Understand how to gather and use psychographic information.
  3. Understand how to gather and use situational information.

Categories of Audience Analysis (Lumen CST Principles of Public Speaking)

The Reader Will be Able to Answer the Following Questions from Info in the Above Text:

  • Why is it important to conduct an audience analysis prior to developing your speech?
  • What is the purpose of performing a demographics survey?
  • Why is audience analysis by direct observation the most simple of the three paradigms?
  • What are some the problems a speaker faces when delivering an unacquainted-audience presentation?
  • Under what circumstances would a speaker make inferences about an audience during the course of an audience analysis??
  • What is a variable, and how is it used in data sampling?
  • Why are statistics considered to be a form of quantitative analysis and not qualitative analysis?
  • How does conducting a value hierarchy help the speaker when developing a speech?
  • What value does performing a Likert-type testing of attitudes give the speaker?
  • Which of the Five Categories of Audience Analysis is the most effective, and why do you think that?
  • What are the differences between beliefs, attitudes, and values?
  • What challenges does a speaker face when delivering a speech to a multicultural audience?

Analyzing the Audience-Boundless

  • The Importance of Audience Analysis
  • The Benefits of Understanding Your Audience
  • Analyze the audience to find the mix of ages, genders, sexual orientations, educational levels, religions, cultures, ethnicities, and races.
  • Use knowledge about your audience to step into their minds, create an imaginary scenario, and test your ideas.
  • Demographic Factors to Consider (Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Education, Religion, Culture, Ethnicity, Race and Group Membership).
  • Contextual Factors to Consider Overall Psychology of Your Audience: Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Needs
  • Psychographics of values, needs, attitudes, and beliefs to develop an audience profile and to tailor the speech’s specific message.
  • Audience Opinion of You and Your Topic
  • Examine favorability in relation to how the audience views both you and the topic for your speech.
  • Knowledge of the Audience About Your Topic
  • Adapting to Your Audience
  • Solicit Information
  • Apply knowledge about the audience to adjust the message before speaking. Observe and process audience responses to further adjust while speaking

Lumen Principles of Public Speaking-Approaches to Audience Analysis

  • Categories of Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis-Comm101 Public Speaking

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • choose a topic and prepare a speech about it that suits that audience’s needs, based on the audience’s traits;
  • describe ways to establish credibility based on a specific audience’s traits; and
  • identify the influence that demographic, psychographic, and situational information has in planning a speech.

Audience Analysis-Exploring Public Speaking: 2nd Revision-GALILEO, University System of Georgia
GALILEO Open Learning Materials

Chapter 2 (Pages 28-47)-Importance of Audience Analysis

Getting to Know Your Audience-Business Communication for Success

Key Takeaways in Above Text Include:

To better understand your audience, learn about their demographic traits, such as age, gender, and employment status, as these help determine their interests, needs, and goals. In addition, become aware of your perceptions and theirs, and practice fairness in your communications.

Getting to Know Your Audience-Foundations of Professional Communication e-textbook

Page 15-28

Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to

  • categorize specific elements of a given communication scenario to the stages of the acronym AUDIENCE,
  • write a complete audience analysis detailing each part of AUDIENCE for a given communication scenario by briefly describing the purpose of a communication and the characteristics of an audience,
  • write a complete audience analysis detailing each part of AUDIENCE for a specific communication task (e.g., letter writing, presentation, etc.)

Professional Communication (Module 1) contains Audience Analysis Information including:

  • Introduction to Audience Analysis (Video)
  • Audience Slide Deck
  • AUDIENCE Analysis Form (Resource – Job Aid)
  • Performing an Audience Analysis (Assessment)

Professional Communication e-textbook

Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to

  • categorize specific elements of a given communication scenario to the stages of the acronym AUDIENCE,
  • write a complete audience analysis detailing each part of AUDIENCE for a given communication scenario by briefly describing the purpose of a communication and the characteristics of an audience,
  • write a complete audience analysis detailing each part of AUDIENCE for a specific communication task (e.g., letter writing, presentation, etc.).

Supplemental Material (Free to use for Instructional and Educational Purposes-Not Openly Licensed)  See section on license information for more information

6 Minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills

Six Minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills
Your guide to be a confident and effective speaker
read policy for above resource

Audience Analysis: A Guide for Speakers

Six Minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills
Your guide to be a confident and effective speaker

Public Speaking Audience Analysis (The Total Communicator)

The Total Communicator is an ezine dedicated to the process of communication with a focus on spoken business communication. You will find in-depth articles on presentation skills, public speaking, and how to communicate effectively in the business world. The Total Communicator is published every two months.

Audience Analysis Class Activity

From Texas Speech Communication Journal Online


Audience Analysis (Stephen Klien)

Researching, Organizing and Outlining a Speech


Speech, Stage, Lecture, Microphone, Fair, Occurs

Openly Licensed Material

Organizing and Outlining-Lumen

After reading the above text the student will be able to answer the following:

  • Name three questions you should ask yourself when selecting a topic.
  • What is the difference between a general and specific purpose statement? Write examples of each for each of these topics: dog training, baking a cake, climate change.
  • How does the thesis statement differ from the specific purpose statement?
  • Which speech organization style arranges points by time? Which one arranges points by direction? Which one arranges points according to a five-step sequence?
  • Which speech organization styles are best suited for persuasive speeches?
  • Define signpost. What are three types of signposts?
  • What is the correct format for a speech outline?

Organizing and Outlining-Public Speaking Project

Chapter Objectives for the Above Text:

  • Select a topic appropriate to the audience and occasion.
  • Formulate a specific purpose statement that identifies precisely what you will do in your speech.
  • Craft a thesis statement that clearly and succinctly summarizes the argument you will make in your speech.
  • Identify and arrange the main points of your speech according to one of many organizational styles discussed in this chapter.
  • Connect the points of your speech to one another.
  • Create a preparation and speaking outline for your speech

Organizing your SpeechCommunication in the Real World

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  • Explain the process of organizing a speech.
  • Identify common organizational patterns.
  • Incorporate supporting materials into a speech.
  • Employ verbal citations for various types of supporting material.
  • List key organizing signposts.
  • Identify the objectives of a speech introduction.
  • Identify the objectives of a speech conclusion.

How to Write a Speech Outline-Wiki How

Three Areas Covered in the Above Resource:

Crafting Your Introduction, Building the Body of Your Speech and Creating Your Closing

Organizing and Outlining-Business Communication for Success

This chapter will help you consider how to organize the information to cover your topic.

Researching Your Speech-Comm 101 Public Speaking Saylor.Org

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • contrast primary and secondary research;
  • determine research needs based on the topic and purpose of a speech;
  • contrast the nature and value of academic and nonacademic sources;
  • determine the value of sources by using specific guidelines;
  • choose the most effective method for citing sources within a speech;
  • paraphrase information from a source;
  • summarize information from a source;
  • identify information from sources that is and is not suitable for quotation; and
  • revise passages from a speech that display ethical issues in the use of sources.

Creating the Body of a SpeechStand Up Speak Out the Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  • Revisit the function of a specific purpose.
  • Understand how to make the transition from a specific purpose to a series of main points.
  • Be able to narrow a speech from all the possible points to the main points.
  • Explain how to prepare meaningful main points.
  • Differentiate among the common speech organizational patterns: categorical/topical, comparison/contrast, spatial, chronological, biographical, causal, problem-cause-solution, and psychological.
  • Understand how to choose the best organizational pattern, or combination of patterns, for a specific speech.
  • Understand the importance of transitions within a speech.
  • Identify and be able to use a variety of transition words to create effective transitions within a speech.
  • Understand how to use a variety of strategies to help audience members keep up with a speech’s content: internal previews, internal summaries, and signposts.
  • See what a full speech body looks like in order to identify major components of the speech body.

The Body of a Speech-Comm 101 Public Speaking

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • develop main points to support the specific purposes of your speech;
  • identify appropriate organizational patterns for presenting different types of information to a listening audience;
  • identify effective transitions and signposts to improve the coherence and clarity of a speech;
  • identify the role and purpose of previews, internal summaries, and signposts; and
  • point out the major elements (main points, supporting detail, transitions, signposts) used in the body of a sample speech.

Preparing the Speech:A Process OutlineCommunications/Boundless

Preparing the Speech: A Process Outline

  • Components of a Speech (Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Transitions)
  • Steps of Preparing a Speech
  • Choosing a Topic
  • Analyzing the Who, Why, and Where
  • Topic Research: Gathering Materials and Evidence
  • Developing Your Thesis
  • Supporting Your Ideas
  • Organizing and Outlining the Speech
  • Wording the Speech
  • Preparing to Present
  • Practice makes perfect!
  • Delivering the Speech
  • Details like how you dress, enunciate, and use body language can be just as important as what you say.

Organizing and Outlining-Principles of Public Speaking/Lumen

Learning Objectives covered in the  above text include:

  • Select a topic appropriate to the audience and occasion.
  • Formulate a specific purpose statement that identifies precisely what you will do in your speech.
  • Craft a thesis statement that clearly and succinctly summarizes the argument you will make in your speech.
  • Identify and arrange the main points of your speech according to one of many organizational styles discussed in this chapter.
Connect the points of your speech to one another.
  • Create a preparation and speaking outline for your speech.


This unit explores the use of outlining in preparation for giving a speech. In this unit and the next, consider critically the authors’ recommendation to favor sentence outlines over keyword outlines.

Organizing and Outlining a Speech-Boundless

Arrange your speech – your thesis, additional points, and supporting evidence – in a way that will make sense to your audience.

Outlining-Open Course Library

Checklist for Preparing a Speech Outline and Speech Outline Template

Outlining-Comm 101 Public Speaking

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • explain the functions of an outline for a public presentation;
  • contrast the three types of outlines: working outline, full-sentence outline, and speaking outline;
  • compare the use of notecards, manuscripts, and outlines when delivering a speech; and
  • identify the five principles of outline creation: singularity, consistency, adequacy, uniformity, and parallelism.

Outlining -Exploring Public Speaking (Chapter 8)

Chapter 6 (pages 108-130)
Organizing and Outlining Your Speech

Outlining-Professional Communication Full eTextbook

Basic Outline Framework Provided (pages 292-300)

Video-Outlining (Openly Licensed)

Supplemental Material (Free to use for Instructional and Educational Purposes-Not Openly Licensed)  See section on license information for more information

Speech Outline-6 minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills

Contents in Above Resource:

  • Writing a Speech Outline
  • Basic Speech Outline
  • Speech Outline Variants
  • Outline Writing Tips
  • Speech Outline Extended Example

Outlining-Write Out Loud

The process of outlining a speech is broken down into 4 essential steps. The sample speech outline template below will help clarify what you want to say as well as help organize your material.

Example of an Informative Speech Outline

Outlining a Speech

Several handouts that will help you prepare, organize, and outline your informative speech. The handouts are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for viewing, printing, and downloading with the Acrobat Reader Plug-in.

Source:University of Hawai’i Maui Community College Speech Department

Outlining-University of Pittsburgh

Description of Material:

Creating an outline for your speech involves at least three main principles: making sure you have all the right parts, using proper outlining form, and properly documenting sources. This may seem like a lot of work, but it is essential in being able to follow that age-old advice about public speaking: “tell ‘em what you are going to tell ‘em, tell ‘em, and tell ‘em what you’ve told ’em”

Developing an Effective Speech Outline

Description of Material:

Developing an Effective Speech Outline:
If you were planning to build a house from scratch, you would require a plan or blueprint to follow. This blueprint would show you exactly where every door, window, wall, and stairway was located and show its relationship to every other structural detail. This blueprint would provide you with “at a glance” answers to questions concerning content and structure of your proposed house and would allow you to proceed with its construction in an orderly manner. Just as plans and blueprints are essential to builders; so, too, are outlines essential to effective speakers.

Informative Speech Outline

Informative Speech Outline Template

Outlining Speech-Quizlet

Outlining the Speech (Created by: dnbitout24 on Quizlet)

Speech Outline Guide

 Lumen-Introduction to Communication-Communication Research

After reading this chapter you should be able to:

  • Understand what we consider as Communication research.
  • Explain how Communication research is done.
  • Identify motivational factors that influence Communication research.
  • Explain the three broad approaches to Communication research as well as specific research methodologies.

Selecting a Speech Topic

Below are resources and websites that can assist students in choosing and researching topics for their presentations:

Openly Licensed Material

Choosing a Topic-Business Communication for Success

Key Takeaway:
Choosing a speech topic involves knowing yourself and your audience; using efficient strategies; and understanding appeal, appropriateness, and ability. When you have accomplished these steps, you will be able to write a good thesis statement.

Choosing a Topic-Boundless

Learning Objective:

Discuss different strategies for choosing a speech topic

The Importance of Choosing a Good Topic-Boundless

Key Point:

When you tell a story, you want your audience to be engaged, so you choose a topic that will interest your audience. The same goes for speech giving.

Choose a Topic-Toastmasters Wiki

Topic Choosing Tips

Importance of Choosing a Good Topic-Lumen

Do not forget that your speech will be delivered to an audience. It is more likely that your audience will be engaged by your speech if they feel that the speaker is invested in the topic they are speaking about. Therefore, it is important to choose a topic that you are excited by and find interesting because this will likely come across in the speech that you give, increasing the likelihood that you achieve your speech’s purpose.

Selecting and Narrowing a Topic-Communication in the Real World

Key Takeaways:

  • The general and specific purposes of your speech are based on the speaking occasion and include the objective you would like to accomplish by the end of your speech. Determining these early in the speech-making process will help focus your research and writing.
  • Brainstorm to identify topics that fit within your interests, and then narrow your topic based on audience analysis and the guidelines provided.
  • A thesis statement summarizes the central idea of your speech and will be explained or defended using supporting material. Referencing your thesis statement often will help ensure that your speech is coherent.

Finding a Purpose and Selecting a Topic-Comm 101 Public Speaking Saylor.Org

Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • identify the general purpose of a speech based on its content;
  • recognize the common forms of informative, persuasive, and entertaining speeches;
  • name the four primary constraints of topic selection;
  • describe relationships between a speaker’s traits, audience polling, topic selection and the purpose of a speech; and
  • choose the most appropriate tip for creating specific purposes under a given circumstance.

Idea Generator-Old Dominion University Libguide

Struggling with ideas for an upcoming term paper, speech, presentation, etc.?

On this website are tabs representing a broad number of categories. Click on one to browse through a variety of key words and phrases; then explore the ideas and devise a more specific topic.

The “Idea Generator” was first created by Cynthia Wright Swaine in 1994 as a Web-based tool to help students at ODU, both on and off campus, select topics for papers or other assignments. It quickly caught on and was used by students everywhere. “Idea generator” has become a generic term.

Selecting a TopicStand Up, Speak Out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the four primary constraints of topic selection.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how a topic is narrowed from a broad subject area to a manageable specific purpose.

3 Ways to Select a Topic-WikiHow


Selecting a topic for a speech can be overwhelming. You may feel that you have an infinite amount of topics to choose from, but there are a few strategies that can help narrow down your choices. To select the perfect topic for a speech, you have to consider your knowledge and interests as well as your audience and purpose. If you want to know how to select a topic for a speech that will give you a standing ovation, just follow these steps.

Supplemental Material (Free to use for Instructional and Educational Purposes-Not Openly Licensed)  See section on license information for more information

The Secret of Choosing a Successful Speech Topic-6 Minutes

This article reveals three questions you must ask before choosing your speech topic, and how the answers lead you to great speech topics for you and your audience.

Selecting a Speech Topic-Colgate Files

Choosing an excellent speech topic involves several steps:

Generate a list of ideas for possible topics
Select a topic
Focus the topic
Determine your general purpose
Formulate your specific purpose
Word your thesis statement

Speech Topics Help


Speech topics lists with free persuasive and informative ideas and class writing tips on outlining your public speaking oral all under one website hosting roof. My how to guides, tutorials and information have just one goal: to help you developing the best topic for all types of speechwriting assignments. My student reference guide with instant propositions, hundreds of tips and education resources. Use my search feature on top to quickly find all information you want!

Topic Selection Helper

This website houses lists of subjects to help you select a topic, but be aware that many of these subjects are broad and would need to be narrowed for a classroom speech. For example, advertising could be narrowed to political attack ads or tobacco ads.

Refdesk is a free and family friendly web site indexing and reviewing quality, credible, and current Internet reference resources.

Twitter Trending Topics

The topics that are being talked about most on Twitter.

Hot Topics-Newsbank

Variety of topics and subjects including Current Events, Business and Economics Research Topics, Social Studies Research Topics, Science and Health Research Topics, Sports Research Topics, Arts and Literature Research Topics and People Research Topics.


Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Reddit’s registered community members can submit content such as text posts or direct links. Registered users can then vote submissions up or down that determines their position on the page. Submissions with the most up-votes appear on the front page or the top of a category. Content entries are organized by areas of interest called “subreddits”. Subreddit topics include news, science, gaming, movies, music, books, fitness, food, image-sharing, and many others. The site prohibits harassment, and moderation requires substantial resources.

As of 2017, Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors (234 million unique users), ranking #4 most visited website in U.S. and #9 in the world. Across 2015, Reddit saw 82.54 billion pageviews, 73.15 million submissions, 725.85 million comments, and 6.89 billion upvotes from its users.

Chronicling America 

Provides free access to millions of historic American newspaper pages. Listed here are topics widely covered in the American press of the time.

101 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics

Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics is a great resource.

620 Interesting Informative Speech Ideas and Topics

A list of informative speech topics. Be sure to analyze your audience and time limit before selecting a topic. These topics can be used as they are, or you might have to make them more precise to suit the situation (available time, class requirements, etc.). New topics added weekly. Do you have an idea you would like to share? Send it to us, and we will publish them on the page.

iDebate-International Debate Education Association


We aspire to be the world’s leading provider of debate education, offering debate resources, debate training and debate events to educators, youth groups and young people across the world.

ProCon-The Leading Source for Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit nonpartisan public charity, provides professionally-researched pro, con, and related information on more than 50 controversial issues from gun control and death penalty to illegal immigration and alternative energy. Using the fair, FREE, and unbiased resources at, millions of people each year learn new facts, think critically about both sides of important issues, and strengthen their minds and opinions.

Choosing a Speech Topic-Prezi (Catherine Combs)

Choosing the Perfect Topic Presentation
Make sure to select a topic that will interest you, and that you believe will interest your audience.

Finding a Purpose and Selecting a Topic for Public Speaking Tools. Authored by: Christie Fierro.

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking in Public


Image result for stage fright

Openly licensed Material

Techniques for Building Confidence-Public Speaking Principles-Lumen

After reading this resource the reader will be able to answer the following:

  1. What percentage of the general population is likely dealing with Communication Apprehension?
  2. What are some of the potential issues or problems that can result from Communication Apprehension?
  3. What are some of the different ways researchers classify Communication Apprehension? What are the differences between these ideas?
  4. What are some of your sources of Communication Apprehension ? Would you classify these as examples of trait-anxiety or state-anxiety?
  5. How does Cognitive Restructuring work? Does it work the same for every person who tries it?
  6. What does it mean to become conversant in your topic?
  7. Why is memorizing a presentation a risky move? Is there any part of your presentation that should be memorized?

Speaking With Confidence-Public Speaking Project

Objectives in Above Resource:

  • Understand the nature of communicative apprehension (CA), and be in a better position to deal with your particular “brand” of CA
  • Analyze objectively the formation of your habitual frame of reference
  • Apply cognitive restructuring (CR) techniques to create a more positive frame of reference
  • Understand the importance of customized practice to become conversant in your topic
  • Create a personal preparation routine to minimize your apprehension

    Lumen-Principles of Public SpeakingAfter reading this chapter, you should be able to:

    • ­­­­Understand the nature of communicative apprehension (CA), and be in a better position to deal with your particular “brand” of CA.
    • Analyze objectively the formation of your habitual frame of reference.
    • Apply cognitive restructuring (CR) techniques to create a more positive frame of reference.
    • Understand the importance of customized practice to become conversant in your topic.
    • Create a personal preparation routine to minimize your apprehension.

Managing Public Speaking Anxiety-Communication in the Real World

Learning Objectives in the Above Resource:

  • Discuss common sources of public speaking anxiety.
  • Identify strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety.
  • Employ strategies for addressing public speaking anxiety.

Speaking Confidently-Stand Up, Speak Out


In this chapter, we will help you gain knowledge about speaking confidently by exploring what communication apprehension is, examining the different types and causes of communication apprehension, suggesting strategies you can use to manage your fears of public speaking, and providing tactics you can use to deal with a variety of unexpected events you might encounter while speaking.

Speaking Confidently-Saylor


Unfortunately, understanding the anxiety which you may experience about public speaking does not necessarily help to alleviate it. However, as this unit of the course emphasizes, recognizing how your anxiety manifests itself in your behavior and then being able to try out a few recommendations for managing it can at least make you feel more empowered to carry on regardless. This unit will explore what is communication apprehension, where it comes from, and suggestions and tips on how it can be minimized.

Anxiety and Public Speaking-Exploring Public Speaking (2nd revision)

Refer to Section 1.2 (page 12)

Stress Management Techniques-Foundations of Professional Communication Full eTextbook Refer to Page 398


Even when we use positive thinking and are well prepared, some of us still feel a great deal of anxiety about public speaking. When that is the case, it can be more helpful to use stress management than to try to make the anxiety go away.

Building Confidence to Speak-Boundless

Details about this Resource: 

  • Understanding Anxiety
  • Managing Anxiety
  • Tools for Managing Situational Anxiety
  • Tools for Managing Trait Anxiety

Supplemental Material (Free to use for Instructional and Educational Purposes-Not Openly Licensed)  See section on license information for more information

TED Videos

The Science of Stage Fright

Ann Cuddy-Professor at Harvard University TED Talk.  Discusses how a 2 minute “power” pose can help overcome fear and instill confidence.