Module 10 Assignment: Exercise Schedule

In the module Health Management, we provide general guidance in “Explain key factors in health including nutrition, exercise, and sleep”.

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part of being physically active. The important thing is to find activities you like to do, so you’ll stick with them. In order to help you understand how much activity you need to do on a regular basis, your task is to create a sensible routine.


Step 1: List three physical activities that you enjoy doing or would like to try.

Step 2: Using the template “Mod10 WO Schedule” Google doc provided by your instructor, create a plan that will help you feel the benefits of regular exercise. You should participate in a physical activity for 45 minutes at least every other day. You can make a digital version of the schedule or make one using pencil and paper.

Step 3: Track your progress for one week, recording the amount of time you actually exercised. If you engaged in any unplanned physical activities, say you ended up riding your bike to school instead of taking the bus, include those too. Also jot down any observations or ideas you may have as a result of adding more regular exercise into your schedule.

Step 4: Submit your work as instructed by your professor. You may end up discussing the results of this assignment with your classmates, writing an additional section about your exercise schedule and experience, or reflecting on the effects of a full week of routine exercise.


Grading Rubric
Criteria Meets Requirements Needs Improvements Does Not Meet Requirements Points
Submit weekly physical activity plan. Weekly schedule includes at least 45 minutes every other day of physical activity of the student’s choosing. Submission is incomplete. Weekly schedule does not include at least 45 minutes of physical activity every other. Submission does not include weekly schedule and/or does not specify the type of physical activity student plans to engage in. _/10
Track your progress. Submission includes student progress for one week including times exercised on the planned schedule and any additional physical activities they participated in. Submission is incomplete. Additional unplanned physical activities are not tracked and/or it is unclear whether the student completed their planned physical activities. Submission does not include information about the student’s progress with their exercise schedule. _/10