Why It Matters: Microsoft PowerPoint Basic Skills

Why learn to complete basic skills in Microsoft PowerPoint?

In previous modules you learned how to analyze data and create reports and graphs. Often after completing any of these steps, you may be asked to share your work with others. While it is possible to simply send along a copy of the report or graph, it is also quite common to be asked to present the data to a group of people in the form of a presentation.

Microsoft also has a powerful presentation application, known as PowerPoint. In this learning module, you will learn the basics of using PowerPoint, focused on editing a pre-existing presentation and changing style elements. Before we begin, here is a quick tutorial on some key information about PowerPoint and some handy tips to remember before we start using this program.

  1. When you are actually working in PowerPoint you are working on a presentation. Individual pages within a presentation are called slides. You can think of slides similarly to a page in Word: each is a standalone piece in a presentation.
  2. Just like in Word, PowerPoint has a ribbon area at the top of the window with different tabs. Refer to the first Microsoft Word module for a refresher on these terms if you need one.