Graphing Piecewise Functions

Learning Outcomes

  • Write a piecewise function given an application
  • Graph a piecewise function using domain

In this section, we will plot piecewise functions. The function plotted below represents the cost to transfer data for a given cell phone company. We can see where the function changes from a constant to a line with a positive slope at [latex]g=2[/latex]. When we plot piecewise functions, it is important to make sure each formula is applied on its proper domain. [latex]C\left(g\right)=\begin{cases}{25} \text{ if }{ 0 }<{ g }<{ 2 }\\10g+5\text{ if }{ g}\ge{ 2 }\end{cases}[/latex]

In this case, the output is [latex]25[/latex] for any input between [latex]0[/latex] and [latex]2[/latex]. For values equal to or greater than [latex]2[/latex], the output is defined as [latex]10g+5[/latex].

Graph of C(g)

How To: Given a piecewise function, sketch a graph

  1. Indicate on the x-axis the boundaries defined by the intervals on each piece of the domain.
  2. For each piece of the domain, graph the corresponding equation on that interval. Do not graph two functions over one interval because it would violate the criteria of a function.


Sketch a graph of the function and state its domain and range.

Given the piecewise definition [latex]f(x)=\begin{cases}−x − 3\text{ if }x < −3\\ x + 3\text{ if } x \ge −3\end{cases}[/latex]

In the next example, we will graph a piecewise-defined function that models the cost of shipping for an online comic book retailer.


An on-line comic book retailer charges shipping costs of $2.50 plus an additional $1.50 for every comic book purchased for up to 14 books, but if 15 or more comic books are purchased then shipping is free. The following formula represents the cost of shipping, where n is the number of comic books:

[latex]S(n)=\begin{cases}1.5n+2.5\text{ if }1\le{n}\le14\\0\text{ if }n\ge15\end{cases}[/latex]

Draw a graph of the cost function.

In the following video, we show how to graph a piecewise-defined function which is linear over both domains.


To graph piecewise functions, first identify where the domain is partitioned by boundary values. Graph functions on the domain using tools such as plotting points or transformations. Be sure to use open or closed circles on the endpoints of each domain based on whether the endpoint is included.


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