Module 10 Assignment: Working with Literature

Note to teachers: You will need to select multiple readings for this assignment. You will need to select several passages from a longer text, or multiple shorter texts such as poems or a play. We also recommend that you assign students into smaller groups rather than a whole class discussion. This is an assignment that supports the learning outcome on this page of the course. We recommend that you use this assignment to help spark discussion during a synchronous class meeting or for an online discussion forum.

For this assignment, you will work in groups of four to create a presentation on the assigned reading. Each group will present a close reading of a passage. You will then collaborate to create a research topic on your section of reading.

Step 1: Summarize what is happening in your assigned reading. Summarize the key points for your reader.

Step 2: What is the most interesting aspect about this reading to your group? Cite examples as evidence to provide textual support for your claim.

Step 3: Answer the “so what?” question. Articulate why what you’ve just proven matters and how your interpretation can create an argument.

Step 4: Write a thesis statement based on the ideas that you’ve generated in Steps 1-3.