Module 7 Discussion: Drafting a Research Paper

  1. Read the essay Writing in the Age of Distraction by Cory Doctorow.
  2. Consider the following question: Is the internet more of a blessing or a curse for writers?
  3. Write 150-200 words about the following question: What is your current writing routine? Are there ways you think you could improve it? How does the internet factor into your writing process?
  4. Respond in two separate posts to two classmates (in at least 75 words for each ). For your response, discuss one of the things your classmate does that you’d like to bring into your own writing practice (and why).


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Follows prompt directions Follows the prompt instructions. Somewhat follows the prompt instructions. Examples may incomplete. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Responds to peers Response is engaged with peer’s post. Posts on time. Response is somewhat engaged with peer’s post. Post is short and/or late. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Total: __/20