Module 10 Discussion: Working with Literature

Note to teachers: You will need to select multiple readings for this assignment. For instance, you will need to select several passages from a longer text, or multiple shorter texts such as poems or a play. We also recommend that you assign students into smaller groups rather than a whole class discussion. This is an assignment that supports the learning outcome on this page of the course.

Your annotations and notes will provide a helpful map of your interests and angles of engagement with the literary work. For this discussion, you’ll share one of your annotations.

Step 1: Find a statement or passage that captures the text’s central message or theme. Annotate your thoughts about the reading you’ve selected.

Step 2: Copy a passage or phrase that reflects tone, diction, syntax, style, imagery, figurative language, theme(s), cultural/historical/religious references, rhyme, rhythm or meter.

Step 3: In at least 150 words, discuss your understanding of the passage you’ve selected.

Step 4: Respond to two of your peer’s postings to what you read, discuss whether it delights you, if you have an appreciation of the text, and/or any different perspectives.


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Follows prompt directions Follows the prompt instructions. Somewhat follows the prompt instructions. Examples may incomplete. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Responds to peers Response is engaged with peer’s post. Posts on time. Response is somewhat engaged with peer’s post. Post is short and/or late. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Total: __/20