Module 3 Discussion: Media and Culture

STEP 1: Go to Journalist’s Resource. Pick an article from at least the past 5 years that interests you and is also related to sociology. Most of the articles will connect to the course in some way, though you can use the search bar to look for specific terms like “culture” or use the drop-down menu to find articles on specific social topics like criminal justice, education, media, or race and gender.

Briefly summarize the article in your discussion post. Then, write about the cultural connections and implications of what you read. Finally, consider how the article may be presented differently from something that “pops up” in your social media? (Note that you could make these types of articles a part of your own online news consumption by subscribing or adding Journalist’s Resource on Facebook or Twitter!)

STEP 2: Comment on at least TWO classmates’ posts in a response of 100 words or more. Discuss their chosen article, then add to their summary and analysis with further extensions, questions, or applications. Be sure to cite relevant concepts and key terms from the reading.