Actividades: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?

(Note: The activities on this page are designed to promote active communication in Spanish. In an online course, your instructor may ask you to complete the activities using a separate tool, such as video/voice recording or web-conferencing software. Even if the activities are not assigned as coursework, they can be used for individual practice and review.)

Actividades 1.1: ¡Bienvenidos a la clase!

A. individual ¿Qué saludo usas?

Give the appropriate greeting depending on the time of the day. ¡OJO! This exercise uses the 24 hour time. To convert from 24 hour time to 12 hour, just subtract 12 from the hours 13 and up. (Por ejemplo: 15:37 = 3:37 p.m.)


5:00 p.m.


Estudiante: “¡Buenas Tardes!”

 3:37 p.m.


12:10 a.m.


8:00 a.m.


3:05 p.m.


12:35 p.m.


6:43 a.m.


11:55 p.m.


6:40 p.m.


7:20 a.m.


2:45 a.m.


B. Individual or partner Preguntas

Respond to the following questions.

  1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
  2. ¿Qué tal?
  3. ¿De dónde eres?
  4. ¿Cómo estás?

C. Individual or partner Nombres

With a partner, spell the following names out loud. One person spells and the other listens and corrects the pronunciation. Be sure to pronounce the tildes (accents).

Modelo: Madison
Estudiante 1: Madison M (eMe) A (a) D (De) I (i) S (eSe) O (o) N (eNe)
Estudiante 2: ¡Muy bien!

Estudiante 1:

  1. Miguel
  2. Roberto
  3. José María
  4. Ladislao
  5. Tomás

Estudiante 2:

  1. Gustavo
  2. Alejandra
  3. Maritza
  4. Xiomara
  5. Hilda

D. icon of three people connected by circle

Ask five students in the class for their first name (nombre) and last names (apellidos). Be sure to spell out your name.

Estudiante 1: ¿Cómo te llamas?
Estudiante 2: Me llamo Alejandra. ¿Y tú?
Estudiante 1: Me llamo Maria Cristina. ¿Cuál es tu apellido y cómo se escribe?
Estudiante 2: Es Escudero. e-ese-ce-u-de-e-ere-o. ¿Y tu apellido?
Estudiante 1: Es Montoya. eme-o-ene-te-o-ye-a

F. group activity Bingo

Circulate among your classmates and try to find people who fit the following descriptions. How would you find out this information? What questions would you ask? (Consider: if you ask “where are you from,” you’ll find out if they’re from nearby or far away. If you ask the classmate for their name, you’ll know if it’s a long or short name. And so on)


__________________ es de muy lejos (is from far away).



__________________ es de cerca (is from nearby).


__________________ es de otro estado (another state).

__________________ tiene un nombre muy largo (has a very long name)


__________________ tiene un nombre comenzando con J (has a name starting with J)

__________________ está bien.  

__________________ está regular o mal.


__________________ es un nombre de una sílaba (one syllable).

Download the Bingo card

E. conversation  Situaciones

Person A:
You are a young person meeting Person B, an older person. You keep using the informal forms, which seems to annoy Person B.
Person B:
You are an older person meeting Person A, a younger person. Person A keeps using the informal forms, which annoys you.
Person A:
You are two professionals introducing yourselves in a loud room. You can’t seem to hear the name of Person B. Person B has to spell it a few times, since you keep misunderstanding the letters.
Person B:
You are two professionals introducing yourselves in a loud room. Person can’t seem to hear your name. You have to spell it a few times, since Person A keeps misunderstanding the letters.
Person A
You and Person B are both students. You meet and say hello. You are having a great day, but Person B is having a terrible day. You are extremely cheery.
Person B
You and Person A are both students. You meet and say hello. You are having a terrible day, but Person A seems to be having a great day. Person A’s cheerfulness gets on your nerves, and you leave in disgust.
Person A
You are a student. You want to know if Person B is Professor Rivera. Person B is indeed Professor Rivera, but seems very busy. When Professor Rivera says “see you tomorrow!” you are confused, since there’s no class tomorrow.
Person B
You are Professor Rivera. Person A, a student, wants to know if you are Professor Rivera. You’re too busy to talk right now, so you listen distractedly, then say “see you tomorrow!” and rush off.
Person A
At the office: You meet a new co-worker, Partner B. You’re pretty sure that Partner B is “Lobo”, an old friend from college. You greet Lobo enthusiastically.
Person B
At the office: You meet a new co-worker, Partner A. Partner A seems convinced that you’re “Lobo,” an old friend of theirs. You are definitely not “Lobo.”

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Actividades 1.2: En el salón de clases y los números

A. individual Números 0-31

Write the numbers your instructor will read out loud. Make sure to write them in letters as well as in numerical form.

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________
  5. _____________________
  6. _____________________
  7. _____________________
  8. _____________________


B. Icon with one person and two people separated by a slash (signifying one or two people) ¿Cómo se escribe?

Spell the vocabulary of the classroom out loud (with or without a partner).

Estudiante 1: ¿Cómo se escribe mochila?
Estudiante 2: Eme – o – ce – hache – i – ele – a

C. Icon with one person and two people separated by a slash (signifying one or two people) Preguntas con números

Answer the following questions with the numbers you have learned.

Modelo: ¿Cuántos años tienes? (How old are you?)
Estudiante 1: ¿Cuántos años tienes?
Estudiante 2: Veinte ¿Y tú?
Estudiante 1: Veintidós

  1. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
  2. ¿Cuántos libros tienes?
  3. ¿Cuántos lápices tienes?
  4. ¿Cuántos papeles tienes?
  5. ¿Cuántos teléfonos tienes?
  6. ¿Cuántos cuadernos tienes?
  7. ¿Cuántos relojes tienes?
  8. ¿Cuántos profesores tienes?
  9. ¿Cuántas clases tienes?
  10. ¿Cuántas carpetas tienes?

Actividades 1.3: Género y número de sustantivos

A. individual Singular a plural.

Change the nouns from singular to plural. Notice if the noun is masculine or feminine.

Modelo: el cuaderno = los cuadernos; la luz = las luces

  1. La universidad …… plural: ___________________
  2. El papel …………….. plural: ___________________
  3. La bandera ………… plural: ___________________
  4. El mapa …………….. plural: ___________________
  5. La chica …………….. plural: ___________________
  6. El pupitre …………… plural: ___________________
  7. La mochila …………. plural: ___________________
  8. La pared……………… plural: ___________________
  9. La mano …………….. plural: ___________________
  10. El chico …………….. plural: ___________________

Actividades 1.4:  Artículos indefinidos y definidos / Hay

A. individual ¿Hay o no hay?

Look at the photo and say whether the item(s) mentioned is/are there.

Classroom with 3 whiteboards in it

Modelo: pizarras
Estudiante 1: ¿Hay pizarras?
Estudiante 2: Sí, hay tres pizarras. / Sí, hay pizarras. / No, no hay pizarras.

B. Icon with one person and two people separated by a slash (signifying one or two people) ¿Qué hay?

Take turns with a partner asking and answering the following questions about what is in your classroom or the space where you work.

Modelo:¿Hay mesas?
Estudiante 1: ¿Hay mesas?
Estudiante 2: Sí, hay una mesa / Sí, hay mesas / No, no hay mesas.

  1. ¿Hay sillas?
  2. ¿Hay computadoras?
  3. ¿Hay puertas?
  4. ¿Hay pupitres?
  5. ¿Hay ventanas?
  6. ¿Hay mapas?
  7. ¿Hay banderas?
  8. ¿Hay mesas?

C.1. info-gap activity ¿Qué hay en la clase?

Take turns with a partner asking and answering questions about what is in the classroom below.


  • Estudiante 2: ¿Hay sillas?
  • Estudiante 1: Sí, hay sillas
  • Estudiante 2: ¿Cuántas sillas hay?
  • Estudiante 1: Hay veinticinco sillas.

C.2. info-gap activity ¿Qué hay en tu oficina?

You and your partner are now teachers and below is a picture of your office and your partner’s office. Take turns asking each other questions about the other person’s office.


  • Estudiante 1: ¿Hay mapas?
  • Estudiante 2: Sí, hay mapas / No, no hay mapas.

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D. individual or partners ¿Cuántas personas?

Say how many of the following kinds of people you see in the photographs.

  • profesor
  • maestro
  • hombre (men) o mujer (women)
  • estudiante
  • niño (child)
  • ¿y en tu propia (your own) clase?

Estudiante 1: ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la foto 1?
Estudiante 2: Hay un estudiante.


Two female teachers and a boy.


One female teacher and 6 girls


One male professor, four male students, two female students


Icon of a classroom with students raising hands, upload photo of your own classroom

Tu propia clase (Your own class)

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E.  individual or partners ¿Qué necesitamos?

Paso 1: It’s a month before school starts and you and your partner are co-teachers in an elementary school. You must compare your inventory of what you both have (¿Hay suficientes _______ (Are there enough)?) and decide how many more you need to buy, given that there will be 25 students in the class.

Modelo: Pupitre – 26
Estudiante 1: ¿Hay suficientes pupitres?
Estudiante 2: Si, hay veintiséis pupitres. / No, necesitamos cinco más.  Person in an office supply store thinking about what to buy

Inventario de estudiante 1:

  1. Papel – 20
  2. Libro – 21
  3. Cuaderno – 9
  4. Lápiz – 13
  5. Bolígrafo – 2
  6. Diccionario inglés/inglés – 1
  7. Mapa de México – 0

Inventario de Estudiante 2:

  1. Computadora – 0
  2. Calculadora – 0
  3. Pizarra – 2
  4. Tiza – 0
  5. Basura – 0
  6. Mapa del mundo – 1
  7. Diccionario inglés/español – 0

Paso 2: Inventario de nuestra (our) clase. Now do your own inventory of your own classroom; compare yours with a classmate’s: whose list is more complete? Did you count up the same number of each item? ¡OJO! Be sure to spell out the numbers.

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F. An icon of two puzzle pieces, signifying an info-gap activity Conferencia de biología

You and your partner are planning an international biology conference. It’s time to figure out where all the presentations will be held. Each of you has corresponded with half of the presenters, and has been given half of the information about rooms at the conference center.


  1. Fill in the “Notas” table by checking off the items each of your presenters needs, as articulated in their email to you (in your inbox: “Recibidos”). Even if you don’t understand all the words in the email, try to figure out what the presenter is asking for.
  2. Tell your partner which equipment your first presenter needs, as well as the number of chairs the room should have. Your partner will check their list of available rooms and decide which one would be best for that presenter.
  3. Now your partner explains what their first presenter needs. Check your list of available rooms (“Tabla de capacidad”) to find the right room, and write the presenter’s name in the column to the right. They may need to spell out the name!
  4. Repeat for all presenters.

Click on the appropriate link below to see your half of the information (or download the pdf).