- Form numbers up to 31
Los números 0-31

Note: The numbers 16-19 and 21-29 are most commonly spelled as shown above, however, they can also be written as three words. For example “diecisiete” can also be written “diez y siete” according to the Real Academia Española.
Los burros de Don Tomás
Don Tomás compra (buys) cuatro burros. Monta en (he rides on) uno y regresa (returns) a su casa.
Por el camino (along the road) los cuenta (he counts them): uno, dos y tres. No cuenta el que monta (el que monta = the one he’s riding).
Ya en su casa, dice a su mujer (he says to his wife):
— ¡Mira!, he comprado (I’ve bought) cuatro burros y cuento (I count) sólo tres; me han robado (someone has stolen) uno.
— ¡Qué raro! (How strange) Dice la mujer. ─Tú no ves más que (you only see) tres, pero yo veo (I see) cinco.
Candela Citations
- Burros. License: CC0: No Rights Reserved
- Number 14 carved in stone over a door in Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. Authored by: Joshbaumgartner. Located at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:House_number_14_carved_in_stone,_Guanajuato.jpg. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- Argentine footballer Lionel Messi. Located at: https://mg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sary:Messi_vs_Nigeria_2018.jpg. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Track lanes. Authored by: daveynin. Located at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/daveynin/3657852579. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Cuban 3 peso note. Located at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_peso#/media/File:Cuban3Pesos.jpg. License: CC BY: Attribution
- 19-28-29-38. Authored by: Felipe Gabaldin. Located at: https://flic.kr/p/9rvbQq. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Number 7. Authored by: AnnaER. Located at: https://pixabay.com/photos/number-seven-house-number-tiles-181539/. License: Other. License Terms: Pixabay License