Irregulares con yo


Understand and use verbs that have irregularities in the yo form

Gramática: Irregulares con yo

You have learned so far that there are some regular verbs when only the ending changes, other verbs with changes in the root vowel, and other totally irregular verbs when the entire word changes.  In addition to these conjugations, there is a group of verbs that may be regular, irregular, stem changers *and* have an irregularity in their yo (first person singular) form.

Vamos a ver cuáles son esos verbos…

Tener (to have)
Hacer (to make/to do)
Regular in the present
Salir (to leave, to go out)
Regular in the present
Traer (to bring)
Regular in the present
Venir (to come)
Valer (to be worth)
Regular in the present
Poner (to put)
Regular in the present
Seguir (to follow)
Decir (to say, to tell)
tengo hago salgo traigo vengo valgo pongo sigo digo
tienes haces sales traes vienes vales pones sigues dices
tiene hace sale trae viene vale pone sigue dice
tenemos hacemos salimos traemos venimos valemos ponemos seguimos decimos
tenéis hacéis salís traéis venís valéis ponéis seguís decís
tienen hacen salen traen vienen valen ponen siguen dicen
Oír (to hear)
Irregular, “y” in some forms because of three vowels together: “i” in the middle becomes a “y” sound, and an accent mark is needed at other times to separate the weak and strong vowels.
Ver (to see)
Regular, but note that accent mark is not needed for vosotros form, since it is one syllable.
Dar (to give)
Regular, but note that accent mark is not needed for vosotros form, since it is one syllable.
oigo veo doy
oyes ves das
oye ve da
oímos vemos damos
oís veis dais
oyen ven dan


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