Learning Outcomes

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The content, assignments, and assessments for Spanish 2 are aligned to the following learning outcomes.

¿Qué haces todos los días?

Manos a la obra

  1. Recognize vocabulary related to parts of the body
  2. Understand spoken sentences related to parts of the body


  • Parts of the body

¿A qué hora te levantas?

  1. Recognize reflexive verbs that refer a daily routine or habitual actions
  2. Use the correct reflexive pronouns
  3. Identify the action of spoken sentences with reflexive verbs


  • Reflexive verbs


  • Reflexive verbs

¿Te levantas temprano a menudo?

  1. Identify the correct adverb of time for the context
  2. Understand spoken sentences using adverbs of time


  • Adverbs of time


  • Adverbs of time

Mente sana en cuerpo sano

No es la gripe, solo son mis alergias

  1. Recognize vocabulary related to illness and health
  2. Understand spoken sentences related to illness and health


  • Illness and health

Aburrirse en el momento adecuado es signo de inteligencia

  1. Recognize reflexive verbs that refer to emotions
  2. Identify the emotion indicated by spoken sentences with reflexive verbs


  • Reflexive verbs of emotion

Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo

  1. Understand the difference between por and para and select the appropriate preposition for the context


  • Por & para

Salud y medicina en el mundo hispano

  • Learn about some approaches to health and wellbeing in South America

¿Terminaste tus tareas?

¿Lavaste los platos?

  1. Recognize vocabulary related to chores and errands


  • Chores and errands

¿Quién recogió los platos?

  1. Conjugate verbs in the preterit tense
  2. Distinguish between the preterit and the present tenses


  • Preterit tense

¿Lo completaste?

  1. Identify direct objects
  2. Determine whether direct objects need the personal a
  3. Recognize the appropriate third person singular and plural direct object pronouns


  • Direct objects
  • Personal a
  • 3rd person direct object pronouns

Nosotros preferimos ir de compras

No alcanzo el estante de arriba

  1. Recognize vocabulary related to shopping


  • Shopping

Las midieron con la cinta métrica

  1. Identify the correct conjugations of stem-changing verbs in the preterit tense
  2. Recognize the action of spoken sentences containing stem-changing verbs in the preterit tense


  • stem-changing verbs in the preterit tense

Me acompañaste

  1. Select the appropriate direct object pronoun (first, second, and third person)
  2. Select the appropriate direct object pronoun in response to hearing a question


  • Direct object pronouns (first, second, and third person)

Cultura: De la plaza y el mercado, al centro comercial y el supermercado

  • Identify information about shopping experiences in the present and the past

¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones?

¿Qué hiciste allí?

  • Recognize vocabulary related to travel


  • Travel

¿Fuiste a un país hispanohablante?

  • Recognize the correct conjugations of irregular verbs in the preterit tense
  • Understand spoken sentences using irregular verbs in the preterit tense


  • Irregular verbs in the preterit tense

¿Te pusiste contento o furioso?

  • Identify various ways to say “to become” and “to realize” in Spanish


  • “To become” and “to realize”

¿Le dio un regalo?

¿Llamaste la recepción?

  • Recognize vocabulary related to hotels and lodging


  • Hotels and lodging

Le di las maletas a su hijo

  • Recognize indirect object pronouns
  • Identify the correct form of sentences with verbs like gustar


  • Indirect object pronouns

¿Te lo compro?

  • Recognize and distinguish direct and indirect object pronouns when used together
  • Place indirect and direct object pronouns in the correct position in a sentence
  • Identify referents of direct and indirect object pronouns when hearing sentences that use the pronouns together


  • Direct and indirect object pronouns

Cultura: Las maravillas del mundo suramericano

  • Identify information about some of the noteworthy places in Latin America

¡Luces, cámara, acción!

Disfrutamos de videos en el portátil

  • Recognize vocabulary related to technology


  • Technology

Tenía que ir a la biblioteca

  • Use -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the imperfect past tense
  • Use ser, ir, and ver in the imperfect past tense
  • Understand spoken sentences in the imperfect


  • Imperfect

No usábamos ni computadora ni tableta

  • Identify indefinite and negative expressions
  • Recognize spoken indefinite and negative expressions


  • Indefinite and negative expressions

Cuando te gusta tu trabajo, todos los días son vacaciones

Mis abuelos eran granjeros

  • Recognize vocabulary related to professions (note: this content was covered in the first version of Spanish 1; it can be removed for those who have already covered it).


  • Professions

Estudiabas menos horas que yo

  • Identify comparative expressions
  • Recognize spoken comparisons


  • Comparatives

Los cocineros tienen el mejor trabajo

  • Identify superlative expressions
  • Recognize spoken superlative statements
  • Recognize the differences between comparative and superlative forms


  • Superlatives

Cultura: ¿Qué es COIL? (Collaborative Online International Learning)

  • Identify information about the COIL program

¡Nos vamos de fiesta!

¡Un brindis para los novios!

  • Recognize vocabulary related to modern holidays and celebrations


  • Modern holidays and celebrations

Siempre había un festejo

  • Distinguish the use of the imperfect for description and the preterite for narration of past events


  • Preterit and imperfect (1)

Bailábamos cuando de pronto se cayó

  • Distinguish the use of imperfect for ongoing actions and preterit for interrupting actions in the past


  • Preterit and imperfect (2)

¿Sabes toda la historia de tus tradiciones?

¿Comiste las doce uvas del Año Nuevo?

  • Recognize vocabulary related to traditional holidays and celebrations


  • Traditional holidays and celebrations

El abuelo se sintió mareado

  • Distinguish the use of the imperfect for describing ongoing conditions and the preterit for the onset of conditions
  • Understand spoken sentences about past emotions and physical states


  • Preterit and imperfect (3)

No había luces; por eso hubo un accidente

  • Recognize when to use preterit or imperfect in complete narrations


  • Preterit and imperfect (4)

Cultura: Carnavales, ferias y fiestas en España

  • Identify information about the various public festivities that the Spanish-speaking world celebrates

Si cuidamos la tierra, la tierra nos cuidará

Si sirves a la naturaleza, ella te servirá a ti

  • Recognize vocabulary related to geography and the environment


  • Geography

Si te he visto, no me acuerdo

  • Recognize the present perfect tense
  • Recognize the present perfect in spoken sentences


  • Present perfect

El que adelante no mira, atrás se queda

  • Recognize the simple future tense
  • Recognize the simple future tense in spoken sentences


  • Simple future

Sin tierra ni olivares ¿qué sería de las ciudades?

A caballo regalado no le mires los dientes

  • Recognize the names of common animals


  • Animals

Con una varita mágica yo limpiaría los océanos

  • Recognize sentences using the conditional tense
  • Recognize the conditional tense used in spoken sentences


  • Conditional

El hombre no puede vivir donde las flores degeneran

  • Recognize the correct use of the relative pronouns que, donde, and quien


  • Relative pronouns que, donde, and quien

Cultura: Los problemas ambientales de Latinoamérica

  • Identify information about environmental challenges in the Hispanic world