Module 11 Assignment: Abolitionism in the News

In this module, we have seen how the institution of slavery was central to society in the antebellum South. As a result, slave rebellion struck terror in the hearts of southerners. For many in the North who opposed slavery, slave rebellion proved that slavery was not the benevolent institution southerners described.

For this assignment, imagine you are a writer for an antislavery newspaper in the North. After news of Nat Turner’s Rebellion reaches your community, your editor assigns you with the task of writing a column on the subject. As this paper has a distinct ideological orientation (antislavery), your column should express an antislavery viewpoint. Additionally, as you are writing for a newspaper, you should give special attention to your headline and should not exceed your allotted word count. You can be as creative as you would like and imagine that you had spoken with eyewitnesses. You may include interviews, quotes, or other details related to the rebellion.


Step 1: Read the following:

Step 2: Author a headline and column on Nat Turner’s Rebellion. Your column should provide appropriate context to allow the reader to understand why Turner rebelled, and what he hoped to accomplish. Your column should run 200- 250 words, not including your headline which should be 5-10 words. Remember that your paper supports an antislavery position.

Although not required, you may make a copy of this Google Doc to use as a template for creating your article.

Assignment Grading Rubric:

Criteria Poor Good Excellent Points
Content The column lacks appropriate context and detail to allow the reader to understand the historical event. The column includes appropriate context and detail to allow the reader to understand the historical event but does not advocate an antislavery position. The column includes appropriate context and detail to allow the reader to understand the historical event and does advocate an antislavery position. ___/10
Mechanics The column displays extensive proofreading errors, which may include: spelling, grammar, sentence structure. The column may be difficult to understand. The column is generally correct grammatically, although with proofreading errors. It is understandable. The column displays excellent grammar. It is easily understood and has only minimal errors. ___/5
Directions The column does not adhere to its editor’s expectations with respect to column word count and headline word count. The column adheres to its editor’s expectations with respect to column word count or headline word count. The column adheres to its editor’s expectations with respect to column word count and headline word count. ___/5
Total ___/20