Week 7 Overview

What You’ll Learn To Do: Understand and Practice Stress Management Techniques


This module, we will learn about stress. Being better able to understand stress, identify stress patterns in your life and identifying how to minimize stress and reduce the negative effects of stress will help you to live a more balanced and comfortable life.

After you have completed this topic’s activities, you should be able to:

  • Identify techniques and strategies for managing anxiety and stress.
  • Choose your preferred techniques or strategies for managing anxiety or stress.


Learning Activities

In order to successfully complete this module’s work, you will need to do the following.

Finger hovering over digital icons on a screenTasks

  • Watch: Stress Management Techniques
  • Watch: Stress Relief Tips and Exercises (3:38)
  • Watch: Ten Tips for Stress Management (2:14)
  • Read: HelpGuide
  • Submit: What’s the Silver Lining? Activity (10 points)
  • Discuss: Stress Management (10 points)


For grading, refer to the “Grading, Withdrawal, and Incomplete” section in the Syllabus.