Food Choice Lab (Instructor Materials Preparation)*

Lab Materials

This is the prep for one section of 24 students.

One week in advance fill three separate bird feeders, one with black oil seeds, one with sunflower seeds, and one with safflower seeds. Place the bird feeders in the same tree in close proximity to one another. Leave feeders until experiment begins.

Bird Observation

Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
 metal clipboards  1 per pair of students
 binoculars  1 per pair of students
 bird book or identification key for local birds  1 per pair of students
 Black oil, sunflower, and safflower seed samples in Petri dishes  1 sample of each seed type per table

Statistical Analysis

Students will do this part in table teams (groups of 4).

Materials Quantity Notes
 calculators  1 per pair of students