Logarithmic Functions

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the form of a logarithmic function
  • Explain the relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Describe how to calculate a logarithm to a different base

Using our understanding of exponential functions, we can discuss their inverses, which are the logarithmic functions. Recall the definition of an inverse function.

Recall: Inverse Function

For any one-to-one function f(x)=y, a function f1(x) is an inverse function of f if f1(y)=x. This can also be written as f1(f(x))=x for all x in the domain of f. It also follows that f(f1(x))=x for all x in the domain of f1 if f1 is the inverse of f.

The notation f1 is read “f inverse.” Like any other function, we can use any variable name as the input for f1, so we will often write f1(x), which we read as "f inverse of x“.

Logarithmic functions come in handy when we need to consider any phenomenon that varies over a wide range of values, such as pH in chemistry or decibels in sound levels.

The exponential function f(x)=bx is one-to-one, with domain (,) and range (0,). Therefore, it has an inverse function, called the logarithmic function with base b. For any b>0,b1, the logarithmic function with base b, denoted logb, has domain (0,) and range (,), and satisfies

logb(x)=y if and only if by=x

For example,

log2(8)=3since23=8,log10(1100)=2since102=1102=1100,logb(1)=0sinceb0=1for any baseb>0.


Furthermore, since y=logb(x) and y=bx are inverse functions,



The most commonly used logarithmic function is the function loge(x). Since this function uses natural e as its base, it is called the natural logarithm. Here we use the notation ln(x) or lnx to mean loge(x). For example,



Since the functions f(x)=ex and g(x)=ln(x) are inverses of each other,

ln(ex)=x and elnx=x,


and their graphs are symmetric about the line y=x (Figure 4).

An image of a graph. The x axis runs from -3 to 3 and the y axis runs from -3 to 4. The graph is of two functions. The first function is “f(x) = e to power of x”, an increasing curved function that starts slightly above the x axis. The y intercept is at the point (0, 1) and there is no x intercept. The second function is “f(x) = ln(x)”, an increasing curved function. The x intercept is at the point (1, 0) and there is no y intercept. A dotted line with label “y = x” is also plotted on the graph, to show that the functions are mirror images over this line.

Figure 4: The functions y=ex and y=ln(x) are inverses of each other, so their graphs are symmetric about the line y=x.

In general, for any base b>0,b1, the function g(x)=logb(x) is symmetric about the line y=x with the function f(x)=bx. Using this fact and the graphs of the exponential functions, we graph functions logb(x) for several values of b>1 (Figure 5).

An image of a graph. The x axis runs from -3 to 3 and the y axis runs from 0 to 4. The graph is of three functions. All three functions a log functions that are increasing curved functions that start slightly to the right of the y axis and have an x intercept at (1, 0). The first function is “y = log base 10 (x)”, the second function is “f(x) = ln(x)”, and the third function is “y = log base 2 (x)”. The third function increases the most rapidly, the second function increases next most rapidly, and the third function increases the slowest.

Figure 5: Graphs of y=logb(x) are depicted for b=2,e,10.

Before solving some equations involving exponential and logarithmic functions, let’s review the basic properties of logarithms.

Properties of Logarithms

If a,b,c>0,b1, and r is any real number, then

1.logb(ac)=logb(a)+logb(c)(Product property)2.logb(ac)=logb(a)logb(c)(Quotient property)3.logb(ar)=rlogb(a)(Power property)

Example: Solving Equations Involving Exponential Functions

Solve each of the following equations for x.

  1. 5x=2
  2. ex+6ex=5

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to Example: Solving Equations Involving Exponential Functions

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Solve e2x(3+e2x)=12.

Example: Solving Equations Involving Logarithmic Functions

Solve each of the following equations for x.

  1. ln(1x)=4
  2. log10x+log10x=2
  3. ln(2x)3ln(x2)=0

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to Example: Solving Equations Involving Logarithmic Functions

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Solve ln(x3)4ln(x)=1.

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When evaluating a logarithmic function with a calculator, you may have noticed that the only options are log10 or log, called the common logarithm, or ln, which is the natural logarithm. However, exponential functions and logarithm functions can be expressed in terms of any desired base b. If you need to use a calculator to evaluate an expression with a different base, you can apply the change-of-base formulas first. Using this change of base, we typically write a given exponential or logarithmic function in terms of the natural exponential and natural logarithmic functions.

Try It

Change-of-Base Formulas

Let a>0,b>0, and a1,b1.

  1. ax=bxlogba for any real number x.
    If b=e, this equation reduces to ax=exlogea=exlna.
  2. logax=logbxlogba for any real number x>0.
    If b=e, this equation reduces to logax=lnxlna.


For the first change-of-base formula, we begin by making use of the power property of logarithmic functions. We know that for any base b>0,b1,logb(ax)=xlogba. Therefore,



In addition, we know that bx and logb(x) are inverse functions. Therefore,



Combining these last two equalities, we conclude that ax=bxlogba.

To prove the second property, we show that



Let u=logba,v=logax, and w=logbx. We will show that u·v=w. By the definition of logarithmic functions, we know that bu=a,av=x, and bw=x. From the previous equations, we see that



Therefore, buv=bw. Since exponential functions are one-to-one, we can conclude that u·v=w.


Example: Changing Bases

Use a calculating utility to evaluate log37 with the change-of-base formula presented earlier.

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Use the change-of-base formula and a calculating utility to evaluate log46.

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Compare the relative severity of a magnitude 8.4 earthquake with a magnitude 7.4 earthquake.

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