Hablar de profesiones y ocupaciones (needs edit)


Esther Play Audio ¿Qué hace usted?
Jacinto Play Audio Soy arquitecto.

man giving architecture presentation

Foto: mehrwert CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

In simple conversations, when you first meet someone, a popular question or topic of discussion is about what you do for a living. You will learn how to ask what someone else does and to tell others about your job (or about being a student). To ask a person what he/she does, you use the question ¿Qué hace usted? or (if you are using the familiar) ¿Qué haces tú? literally, What do you do? The answer to the question uses the verb ser and the profession or occupation of the person responding.

Vocabulario útil antes de ver el video…

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Hermanos Primo Cantante
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