
In this lesson, you learned…

A variety of words and expressions such as:

  • verbos regulares que terminan en –er o –ir
  • profesiones
  • estudios
  • adverbios y expresiones de frecuencia

You have also learned the following grammar tools:

  • the conjugation or regular –er and –ir verbs, such as beber and escribir
  • the use of ser to express possession
  • the use of ser to tell time
  • possessive pronouns, such as mi, tu, su, nuestro, vuestro, and the importance of agreement
  • a review of the uses of ser that you have studied so far, including identifying and describing things and people, and expressing origen
  • a review of the formation of questions

These words, expressions and grammar tools enable you to do the following in Spanish:

  • to develop more ways to discuss common activities and actions
  • to talk about what people study or do for a living
  • to explain what you or others have or don’t have
  • to tell time so you can schedule activities and make plans

As well, you have also learned about culture. In this lesson you read about:

  • Mexico, and in particular contemporary music in that country
  • the education system in Mexico
  • university life in Latin America, and how this varies from university life in the United States
  • la hora latina and how to understand concepts of time, depending on the context, if you are making plans in the Spanish-speaking world