Hablar de la localización de personas y cosas (needs edit)


In this lesson, you will learn a variety of different things that will enable you to talk about and to understand more basic themes. The first skill you will learn involves the verb estar, which is another way of expressing “to be” in Spanish. This verb will considerably increase your possible range of conversation topics.

One thing that estar will allow you to do is to talk about locationthe location of people, places, and things. As you can imagine, this is very important, especially if you are traveling in the Spanish-speaking world. Estar will enable you to ask where restaurants, parks, museums, bars, beaches, or anything else you might want to visit are located. In terms of everyday life, think about how often you ask or tell someone where something isa bus stop, keys, a book, a friend; in all of these circumstances, you will need the verb estar.

Below, you can listen to a few examples of how estar is used to express the location of people and things.

Play Audio Cuando estoy en clase, mis padres están en sus oficinas.
Play Audio Mis llaves están en la mesa. set of keys on a table
Play Audio El hospital está en el centro de la ciudad, al lado derecho de la plaza.