Artículos de aseo personal y palabras que ordenan el tiempo

Artículos de aseo personal

Play Audio el jabón bar of soap Play Audio el champú Play Audio la crema de afeitar can of shaving cream
Play Audio la pasta dental Play Audio el peine comb Play Audio la rasuradora
Play Audio el cepillo de dientes toothbrush and toothpaste Play Audio el maquillaje Play Audio la toalla towel on rack

Otros objetos:

Play Audio el espejo


Foto: ang.d CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Play Audio la cama


Foto: Megan Story CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Play Audio la ducha


Foto: Eduardo Loureiro CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio la bañera


Foto: ilovebutter CC BY 2.0

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Palabras que ordenan el tiempo

The following words will help you order events and thoughts in a sentence or paragraph. These will come in handy when you talk about your daily routine and you want to put your actions and thoughts in sequence. If you want to say that on Mondays, you wake up at 6:00am, take a shower, and then get dressed, you could say: Los lunes, me despierto a las seis de la mañana, me ducho y luego me visto.

Here are some words to learn so you can use them regularly:

Play Audio antes de… Play Audio después de… Play Audio primero
Play Audio luego Play Audio entonces Play Audio después
Play Audio finalmente Play Audio por último Play Audio mientras

Practice the following words on the Quizlet flashcards below. Choose different study modes to help you better learn these words.