Artículos de aseo personal
el jabón | el champú | la crema de afeitar |
la pasta dental | el peine | la rasuradora |
el cepillo de dientes | el maquillaje | la toalla |
Otros objetos:
Practice the vocabulary on the Quizlet flashcards below. Click on “Choose a Study Mode” below to see other ways to complete this exercise.
Palabras que ordenan el tiempo
The following words will help you order events and thoughts in a sentence or paragraph. These will come in handy when you talk about your daily routine and you want to put your actions and thoughts in sequence. If you want to say that on Mondays, you wake up at 6:00am, take a shower, and then get dressed, you could say: Los lunes, me despierto a las seis de la mañana, me ducho y luego me visto.
Here are some words to learn so you can use them regularly:
antes de… | después de… | primero |
luego | entonces | después |
finalmente | por último | mientras |
Practice the following words on the Quizlet flashcards below. Choose different study modes to help you better learn these words.
Candela Citations
- Articulos de aseo personal flashcards. Authored by: Ana Alonso. Provided by: Quizlet. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution
- Introductory text to Palabras que ordenan el tiempo. Authored by: Ana Alonso. Provided by: Northern Virginia Communty College. Project: VCCS Zx23. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Palabras que ordenan el tiempo flashcards. Authored by: Ana Alonso. Provided by: Quizlet. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution
- Lesson 8: Vocabulario. Authored by: Open Learning Initiative. Provided by: Carnegie Mellon. Located at: Project: Spanish1. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives