Verbos reflexivos (needs edit)

In Spanish, when a person or animal does something to him/herself, the action is expressed by what is called a reflexive verb. The verb is accompanied by a reflexive pronoun that refers back to the person, indicating that I did something to myself, or you did something to yourself. When you see a verb in a dictionary or on a vocabulary list, you will be able to recognize it as a reflexive because it will have se (the third person reflexive pronoun) attached to the end of the infinitive, for example, bañarse or lavarse. Let’s look first at the reflexive pronouns, and then a few examples of present tense conjugations of reflexive verbs.

Los pronombres reflexivos

singular plural
1a Play Audio me Play Audio nos
2a Play Audio te Play Audio os
3a Play Audio se Play Audio se

As you can see, the third person singular and plural reflexive pronouns are the same: se. Now we will consider a few examples of reflexive verbs in the present tense.


levantarse – to get up (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo me levanto nosotros nos levantamos
2a te levantas vosotros os levantáis
3a él/ella/usted se levanta ellos/ellas/ustedes se levantan
afeitarse – to shave (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo me afeito nosotros nos afeitamos
2a te afeitas vosotros os afeitáis
3a él/ella/usted se afeita ellos/ellas/ustedes se afeitan


These verbs are conjugated just like all the other verbs that you have learned for the present tense. The endings are the same. What you need to remember is to include the reflexive pronoun! As you will see in the vocabulary section, many of these verbs are associated with personal grooming habits and daily routine activities, such as getting up, getting dressed, and brushing your teeth. A few of these verbs have stem changes, which you learned about in Lección 7. For example, despertarse changes from e to ie. (Me despierto.) Acostarse changes from o to ue. (Juan se acuesta.) Vestirse changes from e to i. (Ellos se visten.)

Here are a few examples of reflexive verbs:

Play Audio Durante la semana, Mariana se acuesta a las once.
Play Audio ¿A qué hora se levanta usted?
Play Audio ¿Ustedes se maquillan todos los días? two women grooming themselves
Play Audio Los fines de semana, me despierto a las diez.
Play Audio Nosotros nos estamos vistiendo ahora.
Play Audio Pablo está duchándose. man showering and washing his hair

If you are using the present progressive tense, you may place the reflexive pronoun either before the verb phrase (Nos estamos vistiendo) or at the end of the present participle (Está duchándose). Both options are correct, similar to what you learned with the placement of indirect object pronouns in Lección 7.

The important thing to remember with these verbs is that the person is performing the action on him/herself. If you say that you wash your hair, you will use the reflexive verb. However, if you are at the hair salon and someone else washes your hair, then you would not use the reflexive. The person must be acting on him/herself.

Throughout this course, you have frequently seen the verb dormir, meaning “to sleep.” Here, you will see dormirse; when this verb is used as a reflexive, it means to fall asleep. So, for example, you can say, Duermo ocho horas por noche, and En general, me duermo a las once.

Dormirse does not mean to sleep for a period of time, it is only used to indicate the action of falling asleep.

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