Deberes y obligaciones


There are several different ways to express obligations and responsibilities the things you need or have to do in Spanish. These activities may range from studying for an exam to washing your car to returning books to the library.

The first two expressions you will learn are fixed, impersonal expressions that do not change. All you do is add an infinitive to show exactly what it is that it is necessary to do.

grammar diagram: es necesario/hay que + infinitive

es necesario/hay que + infinitivo
Play AudioEs necesario estudiar para los exámenes.
Play AudioHay que sacar la basura cada dos días. drawing, guy taking out trash

The next set of expressions that you will learn involve verbs that you will conjugate according to the person or people who need or should do something, then add an infinitive. You will notice that one of these forms uses the verb tener, which you have already seen many times throughout this course. You will add que after the conjugated form of tener to mean “to have to.”

grammar diagram: tienes que/debes + infinitive

necesitar/tener que/deber + infinitivo
Play AudioNecesito llamar a mi mamá esta semana.
Play Audio Juan debe hacer más ejercicio.
Play Audio Nosotros tenemos que limpiar la casa hoy.
Play Audio Los estudiantes tienen que hacer la tarea para sacar buenas notas.
Play Audio Marlene y José deben tener un poco más cuidado.
Play Audio Vanesa y yo debemos estudiar más.
Play Audio Joaquín tiene que ir al médico. drawing of man with thermometer in his mouth
Play Audio Ustedes necesitan descansar.
Play AudioTenemos que llegar al aeropuerto a tiempo.