Expresiones con ser: un repaso
As you have learned, like the verb “to be” in English, its Spanish equivalent ser has a wide variety of uses as well.
In Lección 1, you learned to use the verb ser in order to identifying things and people and, to describe people and things.
In Lección 2 y 3, you used ser to express origin, profession, and possession. Below you can see some examples to remind you of these uses!
You have also learned to use the verb ser to talk about timein terms of what time it is or what time something is at.
Expresiones con ser: la fecha
Another very important use of ser is to ask and to tell the date.
As you might have noticed, in Spanish, unlike in English you do NOT capitalize the months of the year; they all begin with lowercase letters.
Practice the vocabulary from this module using the Quizlet flashcards below.
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