Los pronombres de complemento directo


You have learned already about indirect object pronouns, which take the place of a person, indicating to whom or for whom something is done or given. In this lesson, you will learn about direct object pronouns and how they are used.

pronombres de complemento directo

singular plural
1a Play Audio me Play Audio nos
2a Play Audio te Play Audio os
3a Play Audio lo/ Play Audio la Play Audio los/ Play Audio las

The direct object pronoun takes the place of the person/people or thing/things that directly receive the action of the verb. In other words, the direct object pronouns are directly affected or acted upon by the verb. For example, the person or thing that is seen, known, hit, bought, or sold, is the direct object. You cannot answer the question to/for whom with the direct object pronoun; rather, you can answer the questions who/what.

complemento directo pronombre de complemento directo
Play Audio ¿Cuántas personas te conocen bien? Play Audio Mi familia y un par de amigos me conocen muy bien.
Play Audio ¿Cómo tomas tu café?
(photo) woman drinking café

Foto: Ramon Perez Terrassa CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Play AudioLo tomo con un poco de azúcar y mucha leche.

Play Audio ¿Ves mucho a tus padres? Play Audio Sí, los veo una vez por semana.
Play Audio ¿Dónde compras tus faldas? Play AudioLas compro en el Corte Inglés.
Play Audio ¿Dónde pone Xochitl sus libros? Play AudioLos pone debajo de su pupitre. drawing, girl putting books away
Play Audio ¿Ustedes conocen a Marta? Play Audio Sí, la conocemos.

When the direct object pronoun is in the third person—if it takes the place of him, her, it, them—it must agree in gender and number with the thing or person whose place it is taking. So, for example, if the direct object pronoun is taking the place of something masculine singular, like a book (libro), you will use lo. If it is taking the place of something feminine plural, like flowers (flores), you will use las.


Click on the video below and watch the tutorial to help you improve your understanding about Complemento Directo and Pronombres de Complemento Directo.