Verbos con cambios de raíz (needs edit)








There are some verbs in Spanish that are irregular because they undergo a stem change. By stem change, what we mean is that the spelling of the stem of verb the part before the ar, –er, or –ir ending slightly changes. These changes occur with vowels. There are three very common changes in the present tense that you will now learn: an o changing to ue, an e changing to ie, and an e changing to an i. After you have made these changes, then you will proceed to add the endings that you have already learned for –ar, –er, and –ir verbs in the present tense. Let’s look at examples of each one of these changes. But remember that the Nosotros and Vosotros forms do not have a stem change.


o to ue

almorzar – to eat lunch (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo almuerzo nosotros almorzamos
2a almuerzas vosotros almorzáis
3a él/ella/usted almuerza ellos/ellas/ustedes almuerzan
poder – to be able (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo puedo nosotros podemos
2a puedes vosotros podéis
3a él/ella/usted puede ellos/ellas/ustedes pueden
dormir – to sleep (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo duermo nosotros dormimos
2a duermes vosotros dormís
3a él/ella/usted duerme ellos/ellas/ustedes duermen

e to ie

pensar – to think (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo pienso nosotros pensamos
2a piensas vosotros pensáis
3a él/ella/usted piensa ellos/ellas/ustedes piensan
perder – to lose (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo pierdo nosotros perdemos
2a pierdes vosotros perdéis
3a él/ella/usted pierde ellos/ellas/ustedes pierden
mentir – to lie (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo miento nosotros mentimos
2a mientes vosotros mentís
3a él/ella/usted miente ellos/ellas/ustedes mienten

e to i

pedir – to ask for (tiempo presente)
singular plural
1a yo pido nosotros pedimos
2a pides vosotros pedís
3a él/ella/usted pide ellos/ellas/ustedes piden

To see what other verbs follow these three stem changing patterns, you can refer to your vocabulary list. In a dictionary or vocabulary list, you will often see the stem change listed in parentheses next to the verb, for example dormir (ue)—this makes you aware that the verb you are dealing with undergoes a stem change!

You may have noticed a few things about these verbs. First of all, as mentioned before, while a change occurs in the spelling of the verb, the endings that you learned for –ar, –er, and –ir verbs stay the same. Second of all, you might have noticed that the changes do not occur for every person. The nosotros (first person plural) and vosotros (second person plural) do not change from o to ue, e to ie, nor e to i.

There are three stem changing verbs you are learning that are often (but not always) followed by an infinitive. You will frequently see the verb poder with an infinitive, meaning that you are able to do something. For example, Yo puedo ir a la fiesta. You will also often see the verbs querer and preferir with an infinitive, to express that you want to do something. We will use these verbs a little more in the next lesson.

Below you will see and hear several examples of the different stem changing verbs you have just learned.

Play Audio ¿Ustedes pueden venir a la reunión hoy?
Play Audio Los niños almuerzan en la escuela.
A full lunchroom with kids

Foto: woodleywonderworks CC BY 2.0

Play Audio Nosotros servimos la cena a las ocho.
Play Audio Mi mamá vuelve a casa a las seis.
A clock showing six o'clock

Foto: Duane Tate CC BY 2.0

Play Audio ¿Qué piensas de la nueva profesora?
Play Audio En un restaurante, Isabel siempre pide agua.
A glass of water

Foto: joeymanley CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio ¿Usted juega al tenis?
Play Audio Nunca cierro las ventanas durante el verano.
An open window in the summer.

Foto: glasseyes view CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio Mis amigos quieren bailar salsa.
Play Audio Un buen mesero siempre sirve el café después del postre.
A cup of coffee sitting on a table.

Foto: Phil Monger CC BY 2.0

Play Audio A veces Miguelito miente a su maestra.




Practice with this additional video to reinforce stem changing verbs that change the (o to ue), (e to ie) and
(e to i).