Expresar posesión y pedir información (needs edit)


Another important language skill you will learn is how to talk and to ask about things that you and others own.

The above construction is often used when you are talking about the possessions of someone who is not participating in the conversation. If you want to talk about your own possessions and/or those of the person you are talking with, you would normally express this in a different wayequivalent to saying “my,” “your,” or “our.” You can also use this second way to refer to things or possessions of people who are not included in the conversation (e.g. “his,” “her,” “their”).

Pedir información: un repaso

Vocabulario útil antes de ver el video…

Hay mucho material Da Debemos
Comprender ¡Qué buena idea! Correo electrónico
A menudo Quedamos en vernos De pasada vamos a desayunar

In the last lesson, you learned about asking questions. Watch the video below to hear several questions and responses.