La compra de la comida (needs edit)


La compra de la comida is an important part of daily life. Supermarkets are omnipresent in most Spanish-speaking cities. However, people also shop at a variety of specialty food stores, such as the ones below.

Play Audio la panadería bakery with breads in window Play Audio la pastelería pastry shop Play Audio la lechería/la mantequería shop with cheeses in the window
Play Audio la verdulería/la frutería greengrocer’s Play Audio la carnicería butcher’s shop Play Audio la pescadería/la marisquería shop with seafood in the window

In addition to the specialty food stores, there are open-air markets, and, in most larger cities, covered central food markets with many stands where you can find an incredible variety of foods. The Boquería in Barcelona is a splendid example of such a covered food market. These markets are also abundant all throughout Latin America.

woman selling seafood at La Boquería in Barcelona

Foto: Jay Lee CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

person walking near a fruit and vegetable stand at La Boquería in Barcelona

Foto: Olivier Nade CC BY-NC 2.0

grain being sold at Bolivian covered market

Foto: Nicolas CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


A woman buying meat in a market

Foto: Olga Berrios CC BY 2.0

Of course, in order to shop at markets and specialty food stores you have to know the quantities and containers that are used for the various foods. Listen to Sra. Castro as she reviews her shopping list:

1 kilo de tomates
2 kilos de patatas
medio kilo de judías verdes
una lechuga
una coliflor
dos barras de pan
una docena de huevos
2 litros de leche
4 envases de yogur (2 de fresa, 2 de melocotón)
1 trozo de queso manchego
250 gramos de Cabrales
2 latas de atún
4 lonchas de jamón York
4 chuletas de cerdo
1 tarro de mostaza
1 botella de vinagre
1 bolsa de papitas fritas
1 caja de cereal
1 paquete de azúcar
1 barra de chocolate Nestlé
2 botellas de agua mineral

Frequently, the same food item will have one name in one country, and another name in a different country. For example, judías verdes are green beans in Spain. In Puerto Rico they are called habichuelas, and in Mexico ejotes.

Un kilo is a little more than 2 pounds. (Remember that one pound is about 450 grams.) Medio kilo is thus a little over a pound.

The word for a pound is una libra.