lavar los platos | limpiar | sacar la basura | pasar la aspiradora | sacudir los muebles |
regar las plantas | lavar la ropa | hacer la cama | barrer (el piso) | cortar el césped |
Practice these vocabulary terms using the Quizlet flashcards below.
Otras palabras útiles:
alquilar | apagar la luz | prender la luz | bajar | mudarse |
subir | las afueras | el barrio | el vecino | la vecina |
Practice these vocabulary terms using the Quizlet flashcards below.
Candela Citations
CC licensed content, Original
- Flashcards - Lesson 9 - vocabulario - los deberes de la casa. Authored by: Ana Burke. Provided by: Quizlet. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution
- Flashcards - Lesson 9 - vocabulario - otras palabras - utiles. Authored by: Ana Burke. Provided by: Quizlet. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution
CC licensed content, Specific attribution
- Lesson 9: Vocabulario . Authored by: Open Learning Initiative. Provided by: Carnegie Mellon. Located at: Project: Spanish1. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives