Verbos regulares terminados en -er e -ir


Play Audio abrir

a hand opening a door

Foto: Kate Ter Haar CC BY 2.0

Play Audio recibir

Play Audio vender

a cashier ringing out a customer

Foto: Peretz Partensky CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio beber

Play Audio comer

a woman in mid-bite

Foto: Saffy_ CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio compartir

Play Audio correr

kids running

Foto: in pulverem reverteris CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio vivir

Play Audio partir

a man walking out of a door

Foto: Andrés Nieto Porras CC BY-SA 2.0

Play Audio asistir (a)

Play Audio aprender

Students learning at a computer

Foto: Digital 104 CC BY 2.0

Play Audio comprender

Play Audio leer

a man reading a newspaper

Foto: Pedro Rivas Ugaz CC BY 2.0

Play Audio corresponder

Play Audio escribir

pen and paper

Foto: Aitor Calero CC BY 2.0


Practice the vocabulary with the following Quizlet flashcards: