Problem Sets with Solutions

icon of two puzzle pieces

Note: These problem sets also appear on the Problem Sets page of this book. This page is reserved for instructor access only, and it also contains available answer keys and solution guides. It is your responsibility to handle answer keys and assignment solutions securely and appropriately to prevent them from being widely available and searchable via the Internet.

The problem sets in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. In these problem sets, students are given an opportunity to apply the quantitative-reasoning skills they learned throughout the module.

Module 1: Introduction to Functions

Module 2: Linear Functions

Module 3: Polynomial and Rational Functions

Module 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Module 5: Systems of Equations and Inequalities

Module 6: Sequences, Probability, and Counting Theory

Module 7: Trigonometric Functions

Module 8: Periodic Functions

Module 9: Trigonometric Identities and Equations

Module 10: Further Applications of Trigonometry

Module 11: Analytic Geometry

Module 12: Introduction to Calculus